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Thanks, Brittany for the intriguing thought... :) 

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"What's wrong with your eye?" Luke demanded, getting up and peering closely at North's face. He reached out towards it.

North ducked his head out of the way. "Nothing." He grumbled. "Leave me alone. You're going to poke my eye out, weirdo."

Luke gave him a look but shrugged and sat down again. "How is the job, brother?"

He still couldn't believe that everyone thought it was perfectly fine to let North have a job as security at a strip club. Seriously, Mr. Blackbourne must have lost his mind.

North shrugged. "It's okay. I mean, I'm just sitting in the back, making sure that no one gets into the dressing room while the girls are in there."

"But access to the girls."

North scowled. "It's not like that and you know it."

"Always fun to tease you." Luke shrugged.

North's face darkened like a thundercloud. "They're good birds. Don't be disrespecting them when they're not around."

Luke raised his hands in surrender. "Okay, I get it. You like one of them." He settled back into his chair before North could swat him.

"That's not..." North's response was interrupted when Gabriel came into the room, ahead of the rest of the team, his eyes locked on a video playing on his phone. "Luke, you've got to see this chick. She's amazing."

"What are you watching?" Luke asked. "Cupcake videos?"

Gabriel rolled his eyes. "No, that's what you go for. I've been picking up makeup tips. I want to see if I can get a mission somewhere that involves more of what I know. Hair... make up, you know?"

"Understandable." Neither of them looked at North when he spoke.

"Anyway, I found this chick on YouTube and she does awesome work." Gabriel nodded towards the phone as the rest of the guys filed in and sat down.

"Wow. She's amazing." Luke said as they watched the petite blonde discuss what she was doing as she applied make up to another girl. The effect was stunning as she created the jewel tones needed to create a mask across the girl's eyes, helping to mask her identity as well as to match the peacock themed costume she was wearing.

"Now that my girl's going to go out there and rock her routine, I'm just going to organize my brushes and everything for a minute." She flashed a smile at the camera. "And pick a question from last week's comments to use for our next segment. Ah, this one looks good." She said before reading it aloud.

~Hi Ghost chick, I think you're awesome. I love how you create looks so quickly for your friends. I was wondering though, I like to go to concerts and well, I have a really hard time making sure that my guyliner is right. I don't want to be the dork showing up, looking like a raccoon. Please help me! You're amazing. Rocker98~

"Aw, thanks Rocker98. I agree. Guyliner is difficult if you don't apply it all the time." She said. "I mean, there's plenty of girls out there who don't feel like they get it right either, so I am really glad you asked about it. Give me a moment to see who I have available to help me and we'll have a good lesson and chat about eyeliner." She flashed another grin and stepped out of the eye of the camera.

She wasn't out of the frame long, just long enough to have a discussion with someone off camera. "Good news. I don't have to use one of the girls to do this, because I've managed to talk one of my friends into being my willing victim, I mean, eyeliner...guyliner... model. Bonus, it's even a guy so really, win win for guyliner!" She grinned widely at the camera. "Come on..." she turned off screen, waving her hand. "I swear I don't bite."

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