The Get Along Shirt

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"I swear, if you boys don't figure out how to get along..." Ben glared at his nephews.

"You'll what?" North scowled and crossed his arms. "I didn't ask to be here." He huffed.

Ben's frown deepened. "True. You didn't ask to be here but I asked you to be here." He pointed out, running a hand over his bald head.

Luke's eyes were curious. "And I want you here." He chirped at North, increasing the scowl on his brother's face. "Even if you don't like chocolate chip pancakes or cookies. I mean, whoever heard of not liking chocolate chip cookies?" He asked before looking up at his uncle. "Erica's best cookies, Uncle." He said.

He rested a hand on Luke's tousled curls, thinking for a moment that the boy needed a hair cut. "Erica does make some good cookies." He agreed before looking at North. "You've been here less than six months. As happy as I am that you're finally talking to us, yelling isn't the way to make your point."

North grunted and shifted on his feet.

Good lord. He wasn't even 13 yet and yet, Ben was fearful of the teen attitude coming down the pike. Luke seemed normal, still.

"You were saying you would do something if we don't get along..." Luke piped up, looking up at Ben again. "What are you going to do?"

Ben frowned slightly. "Oh, you'll soon get along if I have my way." He said. "I can't be letting you in on all my secrets. So just pay attention and work on getting along, please. I am sure you won't like the consequences." He warned before leaving them looking at each other in dismay.

He wasn't surprised really. He never got along with his brother, Luke's father, either. It was typical for brothers to fight and disagree. He just wished that once they'd found North's on switch...they'd figured out how to control his volume. The boy was loud when he got worked up. Best he could figure, North yells because he cares, however, more of this sort of caring and both he and Luke would probably prefer that North stopped caring so much.

He regretted that thought.

He didn't wish that at all.

He just wished North would realize that everyone gets a choice for what they want to do, eat ... and he doesn't rule the house.

Luke, on the other hand, was on the verge of escaping, he could tell. It probably wouldn't be long before someone called him to say that his boy was up a tree somewhere, refusing to come down until North apologized or at least allowed him to eat his chocolate chip pancakes in peace without judgement.

He sighed and ran his hands over his face, rubbing his eyes for a moment. It had seemed non stop today. North, loudly, protesting what Luke was eating... Luke protesting that North wasn't the boss of him.

They fought over what movie to watch. Who had to do the dishes. Who needed to take out the garbage or clean the bathroom. Ben would have pulled out all his hair by now but he was already bald.

He dialed Erica. "Tell me why I thought two would be better than one?"

She laughed in his ear. "Trouble brewing, Ben?"

"no." He grumbled darkly as the volume again hit a higher pitch than he'd heard in a long time. "Maybe." He corrected.

"What's the problem today?"

"What's not the problem today?" He asked before running down the list of just what was wrong with the Taylors on this fine day.

"Hmm. Sounds like you need a get along shirt." She said.

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