Happy 4th of July

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Sang glanced up from where she was sharing the hammock with Jessica. "Hey Sugar." She smiled up at Luke.

"Hey Cupcake." Luke grinned at her. "We have to go run an errand."

She frowned. "We do? I thought we had everything we need for the 4th of July festivities." She wasn't wrong. They'd picked up enough meat at the market to make sure everyone got what they wanted. North had already started grilling BBQ Chicken and baby back ribs. There were also Steaks, burgers and hot dogs. She suspected, even with Uncle and Charlie coming to join them along with Erica and Jessica... there was going to be plenty of meat around for the boys to have a 'rite of passage' eating contest. She also suspected there would be a ton of leftovers and she made a mental note to search out some casserole recipes to put into use this week.

They'd gone to a parade this morning and she'd laughed her butt off watching them dash for candy. Even North joined in as they gathered it and gave it all to her and Jessica. Well, she'd slipped some Tootsie Rolls to Luke along the way but only when North wasn't looking at them because he was distracted by the cars in the parade.

There'd been several nice vintage cars and she suspected that he harbored more than one secret desire for vintage cars.

"Oh, we've got all the food." Luke nodded, his recently cut hair swinging down and hitting his face at the cheekbones. He brushed it back. "Water balloons and water guns for after lunch but we don't have fireworks." His brown eyes pleaded with her to leave the comfort of the hammock and go with him.

Jessica laughed. "Are you off firework restriction this year?" she asked.

He eyed her. "Maybe. But they're Sang's and yours, just in case. Got it?"

"Oh, I got it." Jessica said. "But really what's in it for me?" she raised an eyebrow at him, just like a little sister in her dealings with one of her extra brothers.

"I don't get it." Sang piped up while Luke was thinking about Jessica's question. "I thought we were going to watch the fireworks at the fairgrounds later after dark?"

"We are." Jessica reassured her. "Btu we always shoot off fireworks here first. Somewhere between the water fight and whatever we feel like grabbing for dinner."

"Oh, well that narrows it down." Sang said, forehead still furrowed in confusion."

"It's fun." Jessica reassured her.

Luke looked at them for a long moment. "You've never done that?" He asked Sang.

She shook her head. "No matter where we were or what was happening, the 4th was just a regular day of the month." She said. "The parade... all of this, everything is new to me."

"Well, that really means we have to keep going with traditions." Luke said. "Can't stop now."

"Tell you what." Jessica held up her hand. "Since It's Sang's first year with us, I'll claim your stuff in exchange for a pack of blooming ground flowers and a pack of those fancy sparklers, not the wire ones but the ones that shoot off like a fountain, all for me to use."

Luke nodded solemnly and Sang stifled a giggle as Luke and Jessica performed a highly skilled and involved handshake on it. Luke raised an eyebrow at her. "Something funny?" he asked.

Sang smiled and waved her hands at him. "The only thing missing was jazz hands."

Luke paled and shook his head. "NO. No jazz hands ever." He said and Sang's face showed her confusion as Luke kept shaking his head.

"Jazz hands are shady." Jessica was quick to inform her, a serious look on her face. "Some people around here don't like spiders, clowns or zombies but jazz hands are a big no-no for Luke. Unless it's an actual sign language interpreter who is using them to tell the deaf person that it's applause. That's the ONLY acceptable way and reason to EVER use jazz hands."

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