Everything was fine

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Julia's P.O.V.

"Ok Julia, who do you want to invite to your birthday party?" My dad asked me while we were planning for my party. I was turning 8.

"Um, let's invite Maria, Tony, Daniella, Ally, and Bianca." I said to him an he grabbed 5 invitations.

"Ok. What kind of cake do you want?"

"Chocolate!" I yelled.

"Ok. Oh, it's time for bed."

"Awww." I said and and make a sad face.

"I'll get the invitations done and we can put them in the mail tomorrow."

"Ok!" I said and ran to bed. He followed me and tucked me in.

"Goodnight Julia" he said.

"Goodnight" he then turned the lights off leaving me in the dark room.


"Julia wake up!" my dad said shaking me.


"It's 10:00 silly! you slept in late!"

"Lets go deliver the invitations!" I said and he went out. I got dressed and then ran out.

"Lets go!" I yelled and we walked to the mailbox because it wasn't far.

"Don't go out in the street!" my dad yelled and grabbed me by my collar before I could step off the sidewalk.


"Do you see all those cars?" he said bending down beside me.


"Look how fast they're going." He said and pointed at them going by. "If you run in front of a car it can't stop in time and you will get hit."

After that we walked in silence.

When we got to the mailbox I put the invitations in and then we started to walk home. When I got home I went to my room and listened to music.

My dad opened the door to my room and asked "do you want any lunch?"

"Sure!" I said and walked out with him. There was pizza sitting on the table. I grabbed a piece and started eating. When I was finished I went back to my room and started dreaming what my birthday party would be like. Then I fell asleep.

"Here's a present from me!" Daniella said and handed me a large present.

"What is it?" I asked and shook it.

"Open it and see!" she said. I opened it and inside was a princess castle.

"Thanks!" I said and hugged her.

"You're welcome!"

"Now open my present!" tony said and handed me a bag. I opened it and inside was some clothes. A crop top, (I may be only 8 but my dad lets me wear crop tops. Yeah, best dad ever) some shorts, and some boots.

"Thanks!" I said and out the bag down.

"Now it's time for cake!" my dad said.

"Yay!" We all got a piece and ate.

"BEST BIRTHDAY EVER! I yelled and took a bite of my cake.

I woke up and realized it was only 3:00. I listened to music some more until it was time for dinner. I ate dinner and then went to bed.

A/N~ this chapter is really short but I don't want to go to fast with the story. And also, I know this is taking of to a really slow start but bear with me. There will be a dramatic turn of events.

Everything was fineWhere stories live. Discover now