Everything was fine

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Julia's P.O.V.

"You told me you'd tell me what's wrong." I said as we walked into a big building.

"We'll tell you in a minute." One of the guys said. We walked into a room and there was a lady sitting at a desk.

"Please sit down." The lady at the desk said. I sat down and the two guys in black suits stood on both sides of me.

"Julia Roscow" the lady at the desk said.

"Yes." I replied. "What is this about?"

"Your father."

"What about him?" I said worried.

"Last night he was out driving and- wait a second." She said.

"What? just tell me what's going on!" I yelled. I wanted to cry.

"Did you have any other parent or guardian at your house last night?"

"No, only my dad."

"Hmm." She said and then continued. "Last night he was out driving and someone walked out onto the street."

"And..." I said waiting for her to continue.

"He tried to avoid hitting them and went around him but then another car hit him."

"What?!? is he alright?" I asked. As soon as I asked it the lady's face saddened and I knew I shouldn't have asked that question.

"No..." she said. "Julia your father is... dead."

"What?" I said and put my face in my hands and started crying. "And my birthday was yesterday too."

"Do you have any relatives that live around here?" She asked me.

"No." I sniffed. "He was the only one."

"Then you will be going to the Boston orphanage for girls."

"But-" I said with tears flowing down my face.

"That is were you will be."

"And I'll be up for adoption?" I asked.

"Yes." I brought my knee up to my shoulder and cried. "Don, Robert, will you please take Julia to her house so she can pack." The two guys came over and helped my up out of the chair. Like I needed help getting up.

"What will I get to bring?"

"Necessities and a few toys."

"A few? I just got a bunch from my birthday!"

"I'm sorry but that's how it's going to have to be."


Is she really that sorry? If she were she would help me more instead of just handing me off to an orphanage.

"C'mon Julia." One of the guys said. I was driven to my house, or should I say, my old house. I didn't own the house anymore. My father didn't have a will so they didn't know what to do with all his stuff.

I packed my hairbrush, toothbrush, and a few toys, and i packed all of it while crying. I was told I didn't need to bring clothes because they had a uniform. A UNIFORM. I'm not going to survive at this place. I still brought my regular clothes. I brought my jewelry making kit, the necklace that Daniella got me, and a doll I got when I was little.

"Ready?" one of the guys asked me.

"Not really." I said and whipped my tears away.

"It's ok." He said and held out his had. I took it and he walked me out to the car. He drove me to the orphanage where I was going to spend a big chunk of my life.

"Hello!" I woman with dirty blonde hair said to me. "I'm Ms. Nancy! I'm going to be your caretaker!"

"Great." I said sounding like I had a cold because my nose was stuffed up from crying so much.

"Let me show you to your room." She said and took my bags.

"Ok." I said and followed her upstairs and down a long hallway. All the girls were looking out of their rooms staring at me and it made me uncomfortable. I guess you can't blame them. I was walking down the hallway wearing a crop top and shorts while they were all in their... ugh... uniforms.

"Here is your room!" she said and set my bags down.

"Thanks." I said and went in.

Ms. Nancy started to go out but then she said, "Oh, and Julia, your uniform is in your closet. Once you get in your uniform you can come out for dinner." She went out and closed the door. When she stepped out and laid on my bed and cried. I didn't get in my uniform right away. Everyone else could wait.

"Dad..." I said and whipped my tears away.

I got in my uniform and put my clothes in my bag. I wasn't going to need them for a while. I walked out and everyone was sitting at a long table.

"Everyone this is Julia!" Ms. Nancy said like it was great I was there.

"Hello Julia." They all said gloomily. I sat down in the only empty seat. There was about 20 other girls there.

A lady that looked like she was in her mid twenties gave everyone spaghetti, and let me just say right now, it was DISGUSTING! It was undercooked and the sauce was chunky. I didn't know how I was going to survive there.

After dinner the girls talked. I just say in the corner and cried. Then a girl about my age came up to me.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing." I responded.

"Well obviously something is wrong if you're crying."

"I don't want to talk about it."

"That's ok. I've been here since I was 2 and everyone that comes, doesn't want to talk about it."

"You've been here since you were 2?"

"Yeah. My parents couldn't take care of me."

"Oh. My parents both..." I trailed off.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want."


"I'm Alissa." She said and held out her hand.

"I'm Julia" I said and shook it.

"Time for bed girls!" Ms. Nancy yelled. "Time for bed!"

We all went I our rooms and put on our pajamas (they let me wear my own pajamas). We all went to bed. Except, I couldn't sleep. I cried for a while which kept the girls around me awake.

"Be quiet!" a girl yelled through the walk. I kept crying and she got really mad. She went and got Ms. Nancy who came to talk to me.

"Julia, I know you're going through hard times but you can't keep everyone else up." She said to me. "Try to go to sleep."

That's what I've been doing.

After a while I finally ran out of tears and I fell asleep.

"What are they doing!" my dad yelled while someone ran in the middle of the road. "Move!" he yelled and he went into the other lane. Another car crashed into him from behind and that sent him flying into the steering wheel. Another car was pulling out and crashed into the front of the car. "AHHhh!..."

"Ah!" I yelled and woke up to the sound of an alarm clock I didn't know was there. The time read 7:00. I was going to have to wake up everyday at this time. Great.

A/N~ don! don! don! who cried? So her dad died, she got sent to the orphanage, and she had a dream about her dads death. It isn't turning out so great for her.

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