Everything was fine

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Harry's P.O.V.

The others left to go to the hotel while I stayed at the hospital for the rest of the night with Julia.

"Harry? Do you think you'll have to give me back again?" she asked me.

"At this point we don't really know." I answered. "I hope not but with management you never know"

"I hope not. I like being with you guys"

"We like being with you too. I hope we don't have anymore problems with management"

"Well no matter what I'll always remember you guys. I love you guys"

I smiled. Yes, I've been told that people love me a bunch of times, but this was from someone I wasn't sure if they even wanted me around.

"I guess we should get to bed." I said and laid down on the bed where I was going to sleep. Julia was under her covers and ready to go to sleep. "Julia. I hope we never have to leave you again. You mean a lot to us"

"Thanks..." She said and closed her eyes. "...Dad"

Zayn's P.O.V.

All the girls slept together and all the boys slept together. Which means I shared a room with Niall, Louis and Liam. Ok, Liam wasn't that bad, it was Niall and Louis. All I heard was hahahahaha. All night long. And we really need to get Niall deodorized underwear. Finally at about 2:00 A.M. the room stopped smelling so bad and Louis and Niall were sound asleep. I got up to get a cup of water I filled the cup up and took a sip. I quickly spit it out. The water there tasted terrible. I laid down and tried to get to sleep. But ten Niall ripped one.

"Wow that was loud" Louis said waking up. "They need a different wake up call"

"That wasn't a wake up call" I said. "It's only 2:15"

"Was it a bomb? Are we being bombed?!?"

"No. Niall cut the cheese"

"Ugh. What's that awful smell?" Liam asked waking up.

"Niall's butt fumes" I explained.

Then there was a knock on the door. I went over to open it and it was Perrie.

"Is everyone alright I heard an explosion so I came over" she said worried.

"No. Just Niall's butt releasing gas" louis said.

"Dude. If you're gonna fart do it so I can't hear it. I like my sleep."

"That's it. I'm moving in with the girls" Louis said and headed for the door.

"No you're not." Perrie said and blocked his way.

"Fine. As long as Niall doesn't lay another bomb."

"No promises" Niall said.

"I vote Niall to spend the night at the hospital tomorrow night" louis said and raised his hand "Who's with me?"

"I am" we all said and raised our hands.

"That settles it. Niall you're sleeping at the hospital tomorrow night"

Perrie's P.O.V.

Ok, lets start before Niall's butt imitated a bomb. Jade, Alissa, and I went into our room. There were two beds and three of us. One person was going to get a bed to their self. Of course, Alissa got it. Don't ask me how, but she did. We went to bed and we slept soundly. Then, it began. Not Niall's butt going off, but Jade. Jade started snoring. Loudly. I looked around to see if there was anything I could put on my ears but there was nothing. Finally, I found some tape. I took a strip and put it over Jade's mouth. It kinda worked. It make it quieter. I got back into bed and tried to sleep some more. But then I heard a big explosion which woke Jade and Alissa up.

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