Everything was fine

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Liam's P.O.V.

I called for a cab and told them where to drop me off. I kept my mask on. The driver asked why so I lied and told them that I had an embarrassing pimple on my chin.

"Thank you" I said as he dropped me off.

"No problem" he said and drove away. I walked to the front door of the house and rang the doorbell. It was opened by a gentleman about my age. He must've been Jacob.

"Hello. Who are you?" he asked me. "And why are you wearing a ski mask? if you're going to rob me, I'm broke dude. I've got nothing!"

"I'm Liam Payne" I said and took off the ski mask. "You might've-"

"I've heard of you!" he said cutting me off. "My wife used to talk about you all the time. You're from One Direction, right?"

"Yeah. I'm here for Alissa" I said. "Is there any chance that I could adopt her?"

"Sure. I never even wanted to adopt a child in the first place, Christina wanted to get to you guys" he said. "Alissa!"

"Yes" Alissa said running out. "Who's this?"

"This is Liam" he said.

"Oh yeah. You came here to readopt Julia"

"Yeah. And I would like to adopt you" I said. She stood there with a shocked look on her face.

"Would you like to come in and talk to her?" Jacob asked.

"Yes. That would be wonderful" I said and I went in and sat down on a couch. Alissa sat down on a chair beside me. "Alright. Let me do a little explaining"

"Please do" Alissa said.

"This is all that I heard what happened. When Christina was taking Julia back there was an earthquake and they were beside a cliff. Christina ran but Julia was stuck in the car. A rock came down on the car and Julia got hit. She's in the hospital, but she's fine. I'm pretty sure we're going to readopt Julia and I would like to also adopt you." I explained. "That's the short version. This could've gone on a lot longer"

"First take me to Julia. Then we'll see about the adoption" she said and stood up.

"Alright. Lets go." I said and also stood up. I put on my ski mask and we started to head out the door.

"Why do you need that ski mask?" she asked.

"We have fans" I said.


We got a cab and went back to the hospital. No fans chased us. No one bothered us.

We walked in and went straight to Julia's room. When we got in Julia was still lying down like she was when I left, but Niall wasn't there.

"Alissa!" Julia said and sat up a little. You could tell it hurt her to do that.

"I've got good news" I said and everyone looked at me. "That I won't announce until Niall is here, where is he anyway?"

"It's lunchtime" louis said. "And Niall can get hungry fast"

"True" I said. "Then I'll just have to wait"

"So, are you going to live with them again?" Alissa asked

"That's the plan" I answered. "As long as its alright with you" I said to Julia.

"That would be wonderful!" she said. "I missed you guys so much"

"Missed you too" Harry said and we all came in for a hug.

"Aww" Niall said and we turned around. He had a burrito in his hands. "I'm back. I went to Taco Bell."

"Now I can make my announcement" I said. "So, I talked with Jacob and we are going to adopt Julia-"

"You already told us that" Louis cut me off.

"Wow. A lot can happen when you go to get a burrito." Niall said.

"Yes but you didn't let me finish. We are going to adopt Julia and Alissa" I finished.

"Sweet!" Harry said.

"Nice!" louis said.

"Awesome!" Zayn said.

"Cool" Niall said with his mouth full of food.

"Sweet! me and Alissa are going to be sisters!" Julia said excitedly.

"You already told me that" Alissa said to me.

"Yes but I didn't tell them that" I said. "Alright so Julia, when are you getting released?"

"I don't know ask the doctor" she said.

"Get him then" I said.


"With the button"

"It's only for emergencies"

"Fine I'll go find him" harry said and walked off to go find him. Just a little but later Harry came back in with the doctor.

"How long will it be until she's released?" Niall asked. He still had a bit of burrito in his hand.

"She'll be released next week" he answered.

"Is there anything we need to do as her guardians? How much is the bill?" I asked.

"We'll have to wait to see how much the bill is until afterwards. But as guardians one of you should probably spend the night here with her every night" he answered.

"I'll do tonight" Harry said.

"Alright. There's not enough room for all of us so harry will stay here and we'll find a hotel" Zayn said.

"Can I also stay here the night Zayn stays" Perrie asked.

"If that's alright with the doctor" I answered.

"There should be enough room" he said.

"Thank you so much" I said.

"You're very welcome. Make yourselves at home."

"Haha you don't want us to make ourselves at home" Louis said. "Unless you want a big huge mess"

"Hahaha he's got a point" Niall laughed.

"Alright so I'm gonna go find a hotel that we can stay at for a while" I said.

"I'll come with you" Jade said. I almost forgot about her.

"Ok. Lets go then." I said I got the keys from Harry and we drove to the nearest hotel.

Jade's P.O.V.

We drove to a Red Lion Hotel and went to the front desk to see if they had two rooms we could stay in. Of course they did. They gave us our keys and we went to check the rooms out before we went back. We had room #236 and #237 right beside each other. They were almost the exact same. There was two queen size beds in each room and a TV. And of course there was a bathroom.

"I like it" I said as me and Liam finished looking at the rooms.

"Me too. It will work for a week." He said. "And they serve breakfast here."

"It's also super close to the hospital so if something happened we can get there quickly" I added.

"Yeah. I'm worried. Who knows what'll happen when we get back home. Simon told us we couldn't adopt a girl and then we readopted her and then adopted another girl. What if we have to give them both back?" Liam said. He looked like he was about to cry. I can't blame him. His life at the moment was very complicated I couldn't even keep up with what's happening.

"Then you'll just have to put your foot down and say no" I said. That sounded good, right?

"Yeah but it's Simon. He has the power over our career."

"Lets not worry about what'll happen when we get home until we get home" I said.

"Alright" he said and we headed back to the hospital.

A/N~ Not a very good ending but I hope you liked it.

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