Everything was fine

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Julia's P.O.V.

"Julia wake up" a voice said as someone shook me awake. I opened my eyes expecting to see one of the boys but instead there was two random guys.

"Who are you?" I asked them.

"We're here to take you back to the orphanage." One of them said.

"What? why? They gave me back?"

" Just pack your stuff and lets go." They stepped out and I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. Why would they give me back? what did I do? I packed up and went out. The guys brought me to a car and I got in. They drove me to an airport. "There should be a guy named Tom waiting for you when you get to Boston." One of them said and I got on the plane and sat down. When I was going to England, I was sitting in between Zayn and Louis. I remember louis trying to convince me that the plane does a loop-d-loop in the air. I remember Rock Paper Scissors with Zayn and beating him 14 times in a row. I also remember the orphanage. I remember hating that place so bad and how I was happy to be adopted. And now, I was on a plane, heading back to the place I hated. Why would they do this to me? and they didn't even say goodbye. What kind of dads are they anyway?

When I got to Boston there was a guy named Tom waiting for me. He took me back to the orphanage.

"Hello Julia!" Ms. Nancy said like it was a great thing that I was there. "It's lovely to see you again."

She showed me to my room. It was nothing like the one with the boys. This was a small little space. I set my stuff down and sat on the windowsill. I brought my knees up to my chest and started crying. I got a piece of paper and wrote on it.

Dear boys,

Why did you send me back? was it something I did? thanks for everything. And by everything I mean nothing.


I folded it up and put it in an envelope. I didn't know what the boys address was so I asked Ms. Nancy to send it to them.

"I'll make sure to" she said and put it on her desk. "Oh, Julia" she said as I was about to walk out. "You need to put on your uniform."

I went to my room and slammed my fist on my bed. "Why?!?" I yelled and started crying. Then there is a knock at the door.

"Julia?" a voice says from the other side. I go over and open the door.

"Alissa!" I say and hug her.

"I thought you go adopted. What happened?"

"They gave me back." I said and started to cry.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked."

"It's ok. They weren't very good parents anyway" I said.


"Of better get in my uniform"

"Yeah" she said. "See you later"

"Bye." I said and she walked away. I got in my ugly uniform and went downstairs for dinner.

"Everyone! We have a new orphan sister!" Ms. Nancy said excitedly. I don't know why, what's so exciting about being sent back. "Julia is back with us."

Everyone looked at me, Jessica, the girl from class that pushed me out of her chair, gave me an evil glare.

"Lets eat!" Ms. Nancy said and Mrs. Verging served us with disgusting food.

Niall's P.O.V.

"She's gone." I said and sat down on the couch. "I can't believe she's gone"

"Guys, we have to get her back." Louis said.

"How? management will just make us send her back again?" Liam said.

"Well we've got to figure out something!" Zayn said. "What if... what if she thinks we wanted to give her back?"

"That is a possibility" Harry said.

"I'm going to Boston" I said and stood up.

"Are you crazy?!?" Liam asked. "We're going to adopt her again and put her hopes up just so management can take her away again?"

"Liam's got a point" louis said.

"But we can't just-" I said but Liam stopped me.

"Niall. We didn't have time to do anything with her anyway. Where would she go while we're on tour?"

"We're not going to be able to adopt her again Niall." Zayn said I went upstairs and listened to music. I listened to A Team by Ed Sheeron. After that song finished Change My Mind started playing. What? you think I don't have our songs on my playlist?

Anyway, I was listening to Change My Mind. Then there was a trigger inside of me that got pulled. A firework set off. A... well you get the point. There was something I had to do. And quick. It might not be to long before someone ruined my chance.

A/N~ Sorry about it being super short but I don't want to go to fast with the story.

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