Everything was fine

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Niall's P.O.V.

I just have to say one thing before we get back to the story. My fart wasn't that bad, it went away within fifteen to twenty minutes. They were just over exaggerating. That's what they're good at.

Back to the story.

"Ready Julia?" the doctor asked her as he set the walker in front of her.

"I'm ready." She said confidently.

"Alright" he helped her up and she held onto the walker. She had trouble at first but then she got the hang of it. "Amazing! I've never seen anyone progress this fast"

"Well ya better believe it" I said.

"So... does that mean she can be released earlier?" Liam asked.

"We'll have to wait and see" he said. "Keep walking" he then left leaving us alone.

"Alright hand me some crutches and lets get out of here" Julia said.

"Wait what?" louis asked. I was thinking the same exact thing.

"Yeah, what happened to the never walked thing?" Zayn asked.

"Ok, maybe I have walked a little but he was going to make me wait for a while." Julia answered.

"But what about your head and the surgery and all that?" Harry asked.

"I did need the surgery but as long as we take pain meds I should be fine"

"What will the doctor say when we try to check you out?" Jade asked.

"I've persuaded him to let me do bigger things."

"You're just gonna ignore the fact that he thinks you just started walking?" Perrie asked.

"I'm not ignoring it. I'll simply tell him that I've been ready for days, which is the truth"

"Whatever." Liam said. "No point in not trying"

We to the desk and tried to check her out. The lady went to get the doctor. When he came and saw her he was astonished.

"I've been ready for days" Julia said.

"Ok. If you need anything or feel like you need to come back make sure you come." He said as handed her some pain meds.

"Thank you" we all said and went out the door.

"Next stop the Boston orphanage" Harry said and we all got in the car. He tried his best not to be seen because he didn't have his ski mask. The rest of us did, except for Julia and Alissa. Harry drove quickly to the orphanage. When we got there he quickly got his mask on and we all got out. We walked in and the kids looked frightened. We were still wearing our masks. Julia explained that they were on their way to class. We went to Ms. Nancy's office and knocked on the door. We made sure to all take our masks off before she opened the door.

"Boys!" Ms. Nancy said. "And hello Julia and Alissa! I'm surprised to see you out of the hospital so quickly"

"Yeah" was all Julia said.

"We're here to readopt Julia and adopt Alissa" Harry said getting to business.

"Alright. Girls would you like to stay out here while the boys full out paperwork?" Ms. Nancy asked Julia and Alissa.

"Sure" they both answered and went and sat down while the rest of us squeezed into her small office. Louis sat down in the one seat while the rest of us stood.

"Boys." Ms. Nancy said. "And you two girls, would you mind telling me your names?"

"I'm Perrie" Perrie said. "I'm Zayn's fiancée"

"I'm Jade" jade said. "I'm Perrie's friend"

"Nice to meet you." Ms. Nancy said. "Ok back to business. Do you guys really want to do this? last time you adopted a girl you ended up breaking her heart. And now you want to adopt two girls? How're you gonna hide that? you guys won't be able to do anything with them"

"But we owe it to Julia." Harry said.

"Fine. Go ahead" she said.

"Guys maybe she's right" I said in my head, but not out loud. They'd find a way to go against me. Right then, I got an idea. "Why don't we just have Perrie and Jade adopt them too. When we're on tour they can look after them and when they're on tour we can look after them."

"That's not a bad idea" Harry said.

"As long as Perrie and Jade are willing to" Liam said.

"Please Perrie" Zayn said. "This could be the only way."

"Of course I will. How about you Jade?" Perrie said.

"Definitely" Jade said and we all filled out the paperwork. When we were done we went out and got the girls.

"Julia, Alissa" Ms. Nancy said. "Would you guys like to say it?" She asked us.

"We've readopted you Julia, and adopted Alissa" Louis said.

"We knew the was what you guys were doing" Alissa said. "We were just talking about it"

"But that's not all of the news" I said.

"Oh no it's not" louis said and I burst out laughing. He's hilarious.

"Perrie and Jade have also adopted you." Zayn said.

"We're all your parents!" Perrie said.

"That's going I be hard to explain at school" Julia said. "Two moms and five dads."

"School!" Jade said. We'd forgotten about that.

"They can take online school" Liam said.

"Great. Lets go home" Harry said and started to walk out. I think we were all ready to go home.

"Bye Ms. Nancy" the girls said and hugged her.

"Assuming this will be the last time in a while that I'll see you" Julia said. "I'll come visit sometime"

"Bye Julia. Bye Alissa. Have a great time with your parents" she said and we left. We went to the hotel so Liam could quickly check us out of our room. After that we went to the airport where we got on a plane to go home. We all had our ski masks on including Julia and Alissa, just to be safe. Although most directioners can recognize us by our eyes, we made sure no one got that good of a look at us.

Since we'd been on a bunch of planes the last few weeks, we were all really sick of planes. Except for maybe Perrie, Jade, and Alissa. I sat beside Alissa and she told me a little about herself. I actually got to know a lot about her. Her mom did drugs and couldn't take care of her. Her dad moved away a few months before she was born so she's never seen her dad, only in pictures. She's been in the orphanage ever since she was 2. I felt bad for her, she had been in the orphanage for six years. Her birthday is August 8th. Her favorite sport is basketball and she also likes football (soccer). She's never gone to a real school so she hasn't made many friends because she's been stuck in the orphanage her whole life. You can really get to know someone in one plane ride.

I told her a little about me. I told her about how we're world famous and how we got 3rd place on the X factor and millions of girls love us. She seamed to like the idea that she got adopted by a world famous boy band and a world famous girl band.

FINALLY we arrived in England. We went home as fast as we could because we were tired. As soon as we walked in the door we all ripped off our masks and sat on the couch to watch a movie. Perrie and Jade stayed to watch the movie. There wasn't much room on the couch so we all squeezed together. Julia sat on Liam's lap and Alissa sat on Zayn's lap.

A/N~ I know what you're probably thinking, they're home all nice a snug the end. Hahaha not so fast. I'm still trying to think of another plan.

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