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"Theses are som' good eggs!" Junkrat clicked and clacked his fork on the table. He cheered, and I rolled my eyes as I enjoyed my portion, Junkrat and I had the same serving size, since the plan was to give Roadhog most of the food anyways. We still waited on the donuts too, I'm hungry for more. "Ey', uh... Darling?" He started, smiling sheepishly while he wiped his mouth of the dust on his face.

"Hm'?" Looking at him, I arched my brow in return.

"I'm gonna go rob a grocery store for some food, want anything?" He stood up off the chair, chucking the plate and fork into dish sink from across the room. There goes the perfectly fine plate he ate on. "Probably new plates, and more eggs!" He cheered.

"Well..  um... I will probably need women's hygiene..." I started shyly, lowering my voice.

"Say again?"

"Women's... hygiene..."

"Eh'?" He smiled, looking like smartass. I knew he heard me, so I started to blush. He leaned in closer and rested his head on my own. "Could you say again, Shelia?" He asked smoothly. Resting his hands on my shoulders and tapping them. I pushed him off, blushing harder... looking like a tomato too. "What? Can't handle the heat?"

"Stay up straight, how about that then?" I growled at him. He did, looking at the height of six and a half feet. "Whoa there..." I get up and back away from my chair. Taller than me for sure, I was average height... "How the fuck are you so tall?" I was very curious on how because whenever he stood up next to me in the past, he was just a few inches taller than me. He was hunching, but now he was standing up straight and he was tall as all fuck now.

"Excuse me, Darling... is something the matter?" He grinned widely at me, as I just stared up to him. I rolled my eyes, as he leaned against me. His elbow in my head, as he picked at his teeth. "Y'know, I normally don't act this nice to people..."

"No shit... thought you were gonna kill me." I exhaled nervously, taking in a breath with a small smile.

"You're too pretty, Shelia." Junkrat mentioned too.

Laughing like I was on the edge, I got up out of my chair and started adjusting the rope around my waist again. I wish he would just let me take it off for a few minutes, because now there's a red line around my stomach. Curse these hips, they're gonna be the death of me, LITERALLY. "Can I take off this rope?" I looked at him.

"I'm not sure..." He replied. "I'll work on something." He grinned kindly. A box of donuts landed on the tabel, and a defeated Roadhog was lit partly on fire. "Ey! You got these from the police station?" Junkrat asked, arching his fluffy brow. In return there was a nod, Junkrat cheered. "Okay! Thanks, Roady!" He giggled yet again.

"The police station?" I asked.

"Those are the best ones!"

Turning to Roadhog, I looked frightened. "I-I'm sorry, thought you were gonna buy them..."

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