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"ROADY!" Junkrat screamed out in horror, rushing into the room. "What happened to my dirt layer?" Junkrat panicked, looking at his hands, and dragging his fingers across his face. "I-I can't feel it!" He started to get extremely worried, what the fuck? Roadhog pointed to me, as Junkrat huffed and puffed in anger. "You! You little twat!"

"What?" I asked, worried about his sanity if being cleaned.

"I liked my dirt! Then you go ahead and WASH it away!" He grumbled, walking closer. "You don't have ANY idea what's okay and what's not!" He started to kick the air helplessly. Going into a full on rant about dirt. "It's not fair!"

"You needed more, so you could get even more dirty..." I made a remark about it in a joking way.

Junkrat paused, smiling widely. "You're right, Shelia!" He told, getting antsy. "I could get even more dirtier!" He stuck up his finger in the arm, than giggled lightly. "Wait till the crew hears about this!" Junkrat started to walk away from me, going into the next room again.

The crew? "What crew?"

"The little organization I threw together, everyone hates those bucket full of bolts and their lovers!" He saved it off like nothing. "I would leave you here, but y'know... you're a bot too." Junkrat came back in with a table. "But their coming here! I can't wait!" He dropped it, dust floating everywhere. "Mako! Where's my mask?" He turned to Roadhog, and had his mask hit his face. Making him fall backwards, hitting the ground. I giggled to the funny display. "This mask is much more heavier than you think, Darling!"

He tossed it to me, and weight at least three pounds. I looked into it to see a bunch of stuff on there. "Super high tech..." I mumbled.

"Why'd you think I hunch?" He snatched it back, picking it up and putting it on. "But it helps me see in explosions and shit!" He tapped his head with the creepy smile on his mask too. "We should probably get you on the rope again, cause if they see you... they're gonna flip a top!" He walked in closer, standing up properly again. He pulled something out of his pocket and I saw it was a rope again... I tensed up, but he started to wrap it around my waist. "I know you get mad when it's tight, so I'll make it real loose!" He knotted it and grabbed the other end of the room to tie it to his fake arm. "There we go, now they know you're mine! A-As in slave... I mean...! Servant?" He started to choke on his voice.

Feeling the awkwardness spread, I backed up. "Uh... yeah."

"Don't sweat it, I don't let then hurt you anywho!" He nudged my arm, making me stumble back a small bit. "They're just a little wild, and we're gonna cover up your little noggin!" He brushed my hair over the metal and patted my head. "They'll be here any second, so stay close to me."

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