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The sun shone brightly through his room that Monday morning as he was fixing his school uniform, he was now a third year middle school student and the buchou of the well-known Seigaku Tennis Club. He knew that there were many responsibilities on his shoulder now. He was Kunimitsu Tezuka, and he knew his purpose in life, at least for his present age and disposition, was to lead the Seigaku Tennis Club to the National Championship; and he was determined to reach that top step in the ladder of success.

He brushed out a few wrinkle from his jacket and picked up his tennis bag placing it on his left sturdy shoulder as he makes his way down to their kitchen. "Ohayou gozaimasu!" he greeted as he walked into the dining area.

"Ohayou Kunimitsu, you seem excited for today." his okaa-san greeted him with a smile.

"Hai, today will be a good day Okaa-san, I can sense it." Kunimitsu said with a firm voice and bowed his head for a moment before indulging himself in the well-prepared breakfast his okaa-san made.


In another island country somewhere in Asia, the sun shines just as bright through the thin sky blue shades of her open window, she lazily got up from her bed. It was too early for her to be up; after all, there was no school today since vacation officially started. When school starts in two months, she will be a graduating student with more responsibilities being the incoming President of their Artist Club. They did have a workshop but it will not be staring until after a few weeks. She was Amani Pei, and she had her eyes set on a goal, she did not linger on the present but had her eyes on the future; and she was determined to reach the top step in the ladder of success.

She closed the door to her bathroom and looked in the mirror running her day in her mind. She brushed her teeth and washed her face, got her favourite black ribbon and tied her hair up before heading down to the kitchen. "Good morning!" she said to no one in particular. Silence echoed back to her greeting as no one was there. Her brother was still in bed, it was vacation after all. A note was left in the table.

We had to leave early today; we won't be home until late in the evening, breakfast is in the table. Enjoy your day, behave you two. Love, Mom and Dad.

It seems it was going to be an ordinary day. Or, will it be?


"Ohayou Tezuka!" Oishi called from behind as Kunimitsu was about to enter the gates of Seishun Gakuen.

"Ohayo Oishi!" he replied with a very monotonous voice and a stoic expression.

"You seem pumped up Tezuka. Are you looking forward to seeing the new recruits?" Oishi looked intensely at his buchou.

"Hmn." Tezuka continued to walk towards the school tennis court.

"Ohayou!" Eiji waved at Tezuka and Oishi with Fuji quietly nodding his head beside him.

"Ohayou Eiji, Fuji!" Oishi waved back at the two.

"You look excited Tezuka." Fuji said with a smile as he adjusts his tennis bag on his shoulder.

"Hai." Kunimitsu answered, "Let's all meet here after class for training. For now everyone go to their own class." Kunimitsu slowly walked away from his team mates to enter the main building. Something beautiful is bound to happen today, Kunimitsu thought to himself.


Amani was seated on their couch busy tapping her pencil on a piece of parchment trying hard to figure out what to draw next, Hmmm…what would be a good theme…I've done nature, disasters, figures…what do I do next?, Amani was thinking heavily when a cold hand suddenly tapped her shoulder making her jump out of her seat. "Ahhh!"

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