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Kunimitsu got out of the shower that faithful morning of winter still trying to fight off the cold winter breeze. He got hold of his towel and dried himself, got dressed and went back to his room. It has been difficult for him since he lost communication with Amani, and he was desperate to find a way to contact her. He had the same dream again, the same scene, the same crying face in the mirror before it broke. He was being hunted by a nightmare he wished he could correct, a past he wished he could change.

"So I was planning to still come home from University, I think I'd miss you too much if I stayed in the Dormitories." Amani told him as he was busy changing the grip tape of his racket.


"Nande? Wouldn't you be so tired if you do that? You said the University you're attending is about two hours away from where you live."


"I can't take the mirror with me in the dorm, and even If, you won't be seen in the mirror since you're going to Germany, at least I'll see your room, and it'll still feel like you're with me." Amani said sadly with tears almost welling up in her eyes.


"You know you can just say it directly Ami." Kunimitsu putting down his racket and walking up to the mirror.


"Say what?"


"That you don't want me to go to Germany." He stated.


"Of course I don't want you to go." She replied.


"Then why not tell me directly? Why didn't you tell me months ago, when I could have changed my plans?" Kunimitsu replied half-irritated half saddened.


"Because I don't want to be the reason for you not to reach your dreams." Amani replied her voice shaking.


"So you would rather pretend you're okay with me leaving?"


"I'm not pretending. If you haven't noticed, I've been avoiding the topic for weeks now. I'm not okay with it, but I accept it, because that is your dream, that has always been your dream even before you met me. I'm not changing the course of your life just for my own comfort." She explained.


"But I'm willing to change my life for you." He rebutted.


Amani was silent.


"I can't change it now, the gymnasium I will be attending in Germany has been set. My personal trainer had been notified. I can't tell them 'Oh I changed my mind, I'm not going because my girlfriend suddenly realized she didn't want me to leave.'" Kunimitsu frustrated in his reply.


"I never asked you to do that." Amani replied her eyes no longer able to hold back the tears.


"You never did." He replied.


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