CHAPTER 22: One Final Thread of Hope

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“Kunimitsu.” Kunikazu coldly greeted his grandson when he came to pick him up from the airport.

“Ojii-san.” The younger Tezuka bowed, for the first time in his life, it was difficult for him to face his grandfather.

“Your Okaa-san and Otou-san are both very disappointed with the news.” Kunikazu coldly stated as he walked pass his grandson.

“There is no truth in that news Ojii-san.” Kunimitsu defended as he picked up his grandfather’s luggage.

“I expected much.” Kunikazu replied. “But your name has been tarnished by this rumour.”

“Hai.” Kunimitsu followed behind his grandfather as they make their way to the car waiting for them.

“So, your manager decided to pick me up to compensate for his lack of protection for your career.” Kunikazu sarcastically told his grandson.

“He sent the car, but he’s not here.” Kunimitsu explained.

“Does he think he can buy us just by sending a car to pick me up?” Kunikazu stated bluntly and quite loudly.

“Ojii-san.” Kunimitsu neighing a little from his grandfather’s actions, he was an uptight man, but he was usually cool around him. That rumour took a toll even with his relationship with his grandfather.

“So who is that Adalheid Kuester?” Kunikazu going straight to the point.

“A classmate of mine.” Kunimitsu fringed from hearing the name.

“Does she know you have a girlfriend?” Kunikazu asked his grandson before getting into the car.

“I think the whole world knows that Ojii-san.” Kunimitsu timidly answered.

“You’re Okaa-san was so proud of you when you admitted you had one to the press a few months back. She truly believed you loved that girl that much that you admitted it publicly, but at the same time you protected her by leaving her unnamed.” Kunikazu glanced at his grandson whose head bowed as they sat in the backseat of the car

“She has a name Ojii-san.” Kunimitsu almost whispering.

“I know her name; I am not saying it on purpose.” Kunikazu corrected his grandson.

“I haven’t talked to her in a while.” Kunimitsu admitted.

“Are you having problems?” Kunikazu toned down his voice after hearing the desperate tone in his grandson’s voice.

“I’d like to think not, maybe just too busy with our own worlds.” Kunimitsu reasoned out.

“Has the news reached her yet?” Kunikazu asked concerned for his grandson’s relationship.

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