CHAPTER EIGHT: Washed By The Rain

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Kunimitsu kept turning and twisting in bed, he couldn't sleep after raising his voice at Amani after she introduced her brother to him. He tried closing his eyes tightly, covering his face with a pillow, lying on his tummy, lying on his back, lying to the left and to the right, raising his legs against the wall, dangling his head on the bed. It just wasn't working, nothing was.

He finally gave up on sleeping, clearly it was not to come tonight. He stood up at the side of his bed, he looked at the mirror, he wanted to much to talk to Amani, but clearly she was asleep. Kunimitsu walks to the window and raised his head to the sky, the sky was beautiful after the rain. The light of day was almost breaking the darkness and he still couldn't sleep.

"Hmn." He sighed and decided to go back to bed.


Amani has been going in and out of sleep, crying in between was all she could do. She was still scared of Kunimitsu, she has never seen him like that, he has never raised his voice to her before. Why did he? She didn't know what she had done wrong. "Hmn." She sighed deeply with her head turned against the mirror. She didn't want to see Kunimitsu right now, it hurts too much.

She looked at the time to find that it was just 4:30am, she sighed again knowing that the mirror would still reflect Kunimitsu's room, it wouldn't change until six in the morning so she still had to pretend sleeping for another two hours. At least she tried.

She couldn't pretend any more so she got up from bed making as little noise as possible, she didn't want to wake Kunimitsu. She went straight to the bathroom and tried to wash the tears from her face, but her eyes were too swollen to hide anything. I can't let my family see me like this, how am I supposed to explain to them that I was crying over a guy in the mirror?

Amani stepped back into her room, went straight to her desk and turned the table lamp on, she knew the perfect way to get all these emotions out of her head…or heart. Put it into figures and shapes. She started to move her hand and slowly a figure was formed and a few more and a few more. Then she began to add colors, lonely colors. That was when she noticed a shadow to her left.


She's awake. Kunimitsu quickly got out of bed and stood in front of his mirror to see Amani sitting on her desk drabbling on a parchment. "Ehem." Kunimitsu cleared his throat trying hard to get the girls attention.

Amani stopped her coloring for a while but never looked at Kunimitsu. Instead, she turned her head to the right to block the image of Kunimitsu completely.

"A-Ami-chan…" Kunimitsu bowed his head and turned his back from the girl in the mirror. I guess she doesn't want to talk to me.

"Tezuka." Amani said almost whisphering but still not looking at Kunimitsu.

Kunimitsu's eyes opened widely at the hearing of the sudden change in name that Amani used to call his attention. T-Tezuka?

"What was it that I did?" Amani questioned Kunimitsu with tears now flowing from her eyes.

Kunimitsu turned around to face the mirror. Her head was still turned away but he could sense the hurt in her voice, and the sound of her calling was crying in itself.

"What did I do wrong Tezuka-san" Amani now standing with her back turned away from Kunimitsu.


"Did you not want to meet my brother Tezuka-san?" Amani whipped the tears from her eyes and held on to her desk.

Kunimitsu noted the shaking of Amani's hands as she grasp her desk tightly. "Betsuni." Kunimitsu's head lowered at the thought of him losing his temper last night. "Gomennasai Ami-chan."

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