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The cold wind blew on Amani's nape as she walked on the connecting bridge of their main school building on her way to her locker. The colder season is here, which means, my birthday is just around the corner…and Kunimitsu's still not back. He hasn't e-mailed me too, maybe it won't work since…well…is it even possible for inter dimensional e-mailing? Amani was thinking to herself not taking note of the time, she was awaken by the school bell ringing signalling that the day was over and it was time for club activities.

"Hey Ami." A male voice called her from somewhere in the crowded hallways. "Ami over here!" A tall boy with half-framed spectacles and clean-cut hair waved at her.

"Timothy. What's up?" Amani waved back at the boy.

"Miss Gray wants to talk to you about something." Timothy replies as he grabs Ami by the arm and lead her towards the Science Hall.

"What about? I didn't day dream in Physics class today." Amani tried to reason out causing Timothy to laugh.

"No, it's not about your frequent day dreaming Ami, it's about something else." Timothy explained still dragging Ami through the crowded hallways going to the Science Hall.

"Did I fail a test or something?" Amano still dumbfounded as to why she was being called by her Physics teacher.

"No, nothing of that sort, it's actually good news." Timothy happily explained. "Although, you do day dream in class very often these days." Timothy chuckles before finally letting go of Amani's arm.

"Very funny Timothy. I've just been thinking of a lot of things lately." Amani sarcastically explained to his classmate.

"Why, has Harry been bothering you lately?" Timothy inquired.

"Oh, you know about that incident too?"

"The whole school knows. He's a jerk anyway, so don't let it get to you." Timothy assured Amani as he opened the door to the Science hall. "Here we go. Good afternoon Miss Gray." He greeted to a woman in her middle years.

"Good afternoon you two, Have a seat." The friendly face of their Physics instructor greeted them.


"Wow. This is such a big camp, don't you think so Oishi?" Eiji jumped on his doubles partner as they got down from the school bus. Being the top team at the Kantou Tournament has landed the Seigaku regulars a spot in the Junior Invitational camp.

"Yes it is Eiji. Alright everyone let's gather." Oishi signalled to the other regulars as they formed a line noticing other regulars from different schools.

"Oi, there's a lot of people here too, look." Pointing at the regulars from Hyotei, St. Rudolph, Rikkaidai, Fudomine, Yamabuki and Rokkaku. "Oh, did you want to see as well Ochibi?" Eiji asked Ryoma after noticing that he was trying to peak from behind him.

"Never mind Eiji-senpai." Ryoma sulked and went back to line.

"Okay everyone, gather." Ryuzaki-sensei called out to all the regulars from the different schools and began to explain the purpose of the training camp. After which the regulars where dismissed as they patiently waited for the listing of their grouping.

"Oi Echizen, I hope we both get picked for the Junior Invitational games." Momoshiro exclaimed full of hope and excitement to the first year regular.

Echizen simply nodded and smiled at his Momo-senpai.


"So that's it for now, you two go on ahead, I've already informed the other participants , I'll meet you again once I've organized a review schedule." Miss Gray summed up and dismissed Timothy and Amani.

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