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Kunimitsu opened his eyes that morning and his whole world was more colourful. This summer may as well be the most memorable summer of his life. He gets up from bed and checks the time, it was still early, and although it was a Sunday he still got up that early, force of habit maybe. He peaked into the mirror to check the slim figure wrapped in a thin blanket still lying on her bed. Ohayou Ami. He greeted her in his mind before heading to the bathroom.

On the other side of the mirror Amani was still fast asleep, unaware that the man she confessed to the night before actually heard her confession and was now struggling inside, how to return the favour.

Kunimitsu looked at his reflection in the mirror, even he can tell that his face has light in it, his eyes didn’t have that fierce look, and instead they were sparkling. He shook his head a bit because even he could not believe that he could be this happy. He brushed his teeth and washed his face, and again stared at this reflection in the mirror. Arigato Ami, this is because of you.

Amani turned on her bed, her face was now clearly reflected on the mirror. She was still dreaming, and a smile was plastered on her face, it’s a wonder what she was dreaming of, if given a guess it probably was about Kunimitsu.

Kunimitsu came out of the bathroom and checked the time, it was almost time for the reflection on the mirror to change, and he stared once more on the slim figure in the bed. She’s so pretty even when she’s sleeping. Ami, give me a chance, a chance to tell you how special you really are to me. For now, sleep well my Ami. Kunimitsu could not believe himself that he was saying such, but he was happy. He turned to leave the room excited for the day ahead.


Amani winced at the sun in her face; she rubbed her eyes and slowly opened them. The first thing that she noticed was the reflection in the mirror. Oh, I woke up too late, the reflection has changed. I wonder how Mitsu is. She slowly made her way to the mirror and ran her fingers tracing her own reflection. “Mitsu.” Was all she could whisper.

“Ami, are you awake?” her mother called from the door.

“Yes Mom.” She replied and quickly got her finger away from the mirror as she heard the turning of the doorknob.

“Hi baby girl, are you busy?” she asked with a gentle smile on her face.

“Just got up Mom, what time do we leave for church?” Ami replied smiling back at her mother.

“In about an hour, but I wanted to talk to you about something first.” her mother sitting at her bed and signalling for Ami to sit beside her.

“Okay, about what Mom?” Ami slowly sat beside her mother wondering what it was that she wanted to discuss.

“Sweetie, I want you to be really honest with me okay.” Her mother running her hands on Amani’s cheeks.

“About what mom?” Ami feeling a slight increase in her heart rate.

“You’ve come to that age haven’t you?” her mother asked with a smile.

“What age exactly are we talking about?” Amani replied, a bit confused as to what her mother was talking about.

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