CHAPTER TWO: Spring Means to Start Something Beautiful

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Kunimitsu tried to look for something to light his now very darkened room. I know I have a flashlight somewhere in my drawer…where did I place that?...Ah, there it is. Kunimitsu turned on the flashlight, which reflected on his mirror.

"Argh!" Kunimitsu stepped a few step backwards before finally falling on the floor after seeing something strange on the reflection in his mirror.


"Rainan, go look for a flashlight or candle. I think it's in the drawer in the kitchen, the one next to the door." Amani shouted at her brother as she was also searching her room for a flashlight. Ah! There it is, I knew I had one. She turned on her flashlight, which reflected on her mirror.

"Argh!" Amani ran outside her room after seeing something strange on the reflection in her mirror.

What was that? That wasn't me. Am I sick? Amani felt her neck to see if she was warm. She was not. Therefore, what did she see in the mirror?

"Sis, are you okay?" Rainan ran up the stairs after hearing Amani scream.

"Y-yes. I think so." Amani replied still with a very frightened look in her face. For a tanned girl she looked very pale.

"Are you sure? You look very pale. Did you see something in your room?" Rainan persisted, moving closer to his sister.

"Yes, I-I'm okay, no need to worry. Did you find the flashlight in the kitchen?" Amani turned her head away from her brother to hide her almost snow white face.

"Yes. Here." Rainan was still handing the device in his hand to her sister when the light turned back on.

"Oh thank goodness." Amani sighed in relief. "Go back down, please prepare the table, I'll just finish combing my hair."

"Okay." Rainan tuned his back to go back down stairs, "Are you sure you're okay sis? I never thought of you as someone who was afraid of the dark." He teased his sister.

"I'm not…it's just…never mind. I'll follow you soon." Amani held her doorknob when she noticed her hands were shaking. Why am I shaking? Was I really that scared? I was never scared of the dark; not even when I was younger. What did I see? Did I really see something? She turned the knob and entered her room.


Kunimitsu was still sitting on his floor with his flashlight thrown to the edge of his bed; he was staring at the dark mirror in front of him. What was that? I could swear I saw someone other than me in the mirror. Is my mind playing tricks on me? This couldn't be. I don't think it would be possible. Kunimitsu tried to get himself up and grab his flashlight; he quickly turned away from the mirror. He didn't want to see whatever he saw still staring at him there. He sat on his bed still wondering what it was that he saw.

"Kunimitsu, did you find a light?" he heard his Otou-san ask from downstairs.

"Hai!" He quickly responded.

He got up from his bed and brushed a few wrinkled parts of his shirt from falling on the floor, when the lights came back on. Thank goodness, the lights are back. My eyes are playing tricks on me, I must see the eye doctor, maybe my glasses need changing.

He glanced at the mirror wondering if he should look at it again, just to be sure that his mind was simply playing tricks on him. He edged closer to the mirror but not enough to see his own reflection. He stood beside the mirror as if stalking someone thinking to himself. Okay Kunimitsu, you're a grown man, you can do this, look at your reflection. It's just your reflection…1…2…3…

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