CHAPTER SIX: Parade of Flowers

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"Kunimitsu! Kunimitsu!" Amani excitedly called Kunimitsu from the other side of the glass.

"Hai!" Kunimitsu dropped what he was reading to respond to Amani's calling.

"Look." Amani was turning around a knee length light pink dress with a white ribbon on her hair.

Kunimitsu stood amazed at the beautiful girl in front of her; he could hear his heart beating faster and louder as if wanting to escape from his chest. "Ana ta wa utsukushii desu, Ami-chan. You look beautiful."

Amani blushed a little before answering, "Arigato, Kunimitsu."

"What's the occasion?" Kunimitsu came a little closer to get a better look at Amani.

"It's my brother's birthday tomorrow, there's going to be a small gathering here in the house. I don't usually wear these clothes…I'm not comfortable." Amani shyly explained a fact about her that was yet to be revealed to her best friend.

"You should wear them." Kunimitsu returned to his desk to continue with his homework. "You look very pretty in those clothes." He said without looking a t the girl, maybe to hide the tint of pink on his cheeks.

"Really?" Amani's eyes widened and look lovingly at the boy who was now reading a book.

"Hai." Kunimitsu answered without lifting his head from the book he was reading.

"You're too serious." Amani suddenly exclaimed.

Kunimitsu lifted his head to look at Amani.

"You're too serious Kunimitsu. You rarely smile; your facial expression is usually the same. I swear I can count with my fingers the number of times you've smiled since we've met." Amani tilted her head a little to the left and placed her hand on her waist as if to scold Kunimitsu.

"G-Gomen." Was all Kunimitsu could say.

"It's okay." Amani playfully turned her back on Kunimitsu to go to the bathroom and change her clothes. "I'll be back in a while okay?" she closed the bathroom door.

I rarely smile. Kunimitsu never really minded her stoic expression and monotonous tone since his friend usually didn't complain about it. Fuji never complained about it, and we've been friend for much longer. Kunimitsu unknowingly scratched his head.

"What's with the face?" Amani's face was poking on the mirror.

"Huh?" Kunimitsu was again amazed on the girl who was now wearing midnight blue pyjamas with little bears on them. "Nothing."

"You do know that you have a type A personality Kunimitsu?" Amani insisted.

"Type A personality?" Kunimitsu wondered what she meant by that.

"It's a psychological classification of personalities. We fall on the same classification actually; I'm a type A as well. Just that, I can smile more than you." Amani naughtily teased Kunimitsu.

"I can smile." Kunimitsu insisted.

"I know you can. You just don't." Amani sat on the floor with her leg crossed in front of her. "But it's okay, I still love you."

Love me? Kunimitsu was speechless after hearing Amani said those words.

"You're my best friend Kunimitsu, being that, I love you. Friends love each other; they'd do anything for each other." Amani continued.

Kunimitsu let out a very deep breathe, she loves me as a friend. "I love my friends too." Was all he could mutter as a response.

"Then you love me? Don't you Kunimitsu?" Amani pressed her face towards the mirror.

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