Chapter 17: I FEEL YOUR PAIN

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“Ready Tezuka?” Fuji asked his best friend as they step into the arena for the semi-finals against Shitenhouji.

“Been ready for a long time Fuji.” Kunimitsu replied, eyes forward, determination marked on his face.

“We’ve all been waiting for this, haven’t we Tezuka?” Fuji replied with a smile.

“I’m just glad we all made it together, right Tezuka?” Oishi joined in the conversation.

“Aa.” Kunimitsu replied.

“Let’s go for the win!” Eiji jumping on Oishi.

“Aa, let’s go Eiji!” Oishi agreeing happily with his doubles’ partner

“You know Echizen, buchou’s not the only one with relationship issues.” Momoshiro suddenly blurted out, which was just, not in sync with the entire scene.

“What has that anything to do with the game today?” Kaidoh confused by the relevance of his rival’s question.

“Nothing, I just wanted to state the obvious.” Momoshiro replied.

“Momo-senpai, mada mada dane.” Echizen adjusted his cap.

“Oi Echizen, it’s true, when are you going to admit and you and Sakuno-chan have a thing going on.” Momoshiro retaliated.

“Heh, Ochibi’s blushing.” Eiji happily said.

“Hey, stop teasing Echizen, he might not be able to concentrate on the game.” Kawamura told Eiji and Momoshiro a smile on his face.

“Besides, it’s Tezuka who needs the intervention more.” Fuji added with a chuckle.

“Fuji!” Oishi tried to stop the tensai from speaking but it was too late.

“Sa, gather.” Kunimitsu called his team, “Yudan sezu ni ikou!”

“Hai!” the rest of the team gathered together.


“Ami, Ami!” Cathleah called out to her best friend.

“Huh? What?” Amani snapping out of her trance.

“Stop the tapping.” Cathleah replied.

“What?” Amani asked confused with what her friend was referring to.

“Stop tapping you pen on your desk, it’s annoying.” Cathleah pointed to Amani’s hand, which was unconsciously tapping her pen on her desk.

“Oh, sorry.”

“What’s up with you today?” Cathleah asked as she open her note.

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