CHAPTER TEN: Alone Again

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"Oishi." Fuji called to the fukubuchou who was staring at the court, he was still unsure how he could keep the promise he made to Kunimitsu; he wasn't sure how he could lead the team.


"Has Tezuka e-mailed you yet?" Fuji's smile not fading

"Hai. He has been communicating since he left." Oishi assured Fuji.

"Has he mentioned…" turning to see if anyone among the regulars were eves dropping on their conversation. "You-know-who?" Fuji continued after he was sure no one was paying attention to their discussion.

Oishi turned his head towards Fuji. "Sadly he hasn't."

"Oh." Fuji was clearly disappointed. How could he not be thinking of her? He was devastated about leaving her before he left.

"Fuji." Oishi disturbing Fuji's thoughts.


"How do we keep the other promise?" Oishi had a very worried look on his face.

Fuji smiled, "I really don't know Oishi."

"Oishi-senpai, you better come." Katsuo called his fukubuchou in a very worried tone.

"What's wrong Katsuo?" Oishi now turning his full attention to the freshman.

"It's Momo-senpai and Kaidoh-senpai, their having a very bad argument, not even Inui-senpai could stop them." The freshman explained catching his breathe.

"Oi Momoshiro! Kaidoh!" Oishi shouted as he ran towards the court where the two second year where having their usual but more intense competition.

Fuji chuckled at Oishi running towards the two. Tezuka, it's okay. You left the team in good hands. But why haven't you even mentioned anything about her? I thought you said you love her? Hmmm…what's wrong Tezuka?

"Fuji-senpai?" Sakuno called to her senpai who was deep in thought. "Fuji-senpai?" she called once again snapping Fuji out of his thought.

"H-Hai? Sakuno-kun, you have something in mind?" Fuji finally turning to the freshman who was looking on at the regulars practicing in the court…rather, at the regulars who were still trying to get Momo and Kaidoh off each other's neck.

Sakuno blushed a little before finally responding, "I-It looks as if you were the one with deep thoughts Fuji-senpai, is something wrong senpai?"

Fuji chuckled and patted the female freshman on the head, "I'm quite okay Sakuno-kun, nothing that you should worry about." Fuji re-assured Sakuno.

"O-Okay Fuji-senpai."

Fuji then walked towards the locker room still trying to figure out how he could keep his promise to Kunimitsu.

"Tomo-chan." Sakuno looking at Fuji as he walks towards the locker room.

"What is it Sakuno?" Tomoka turning towards Sakuno.

"Do you think Fuji-senpai is sad about Tezuka-senpai leaving for Germany?"

"Of course he is Sakuno! They've been together in the tennis club since their first year…although I don't really know if they are friends since I don't really see them hang out…" And Tomoka started enumerating her thought as Sakuno continued to stare at Fuji who was now entering the clubroom.


Amani stared out the window as their Literature instructor went on about something that Shakespeare wrote, her thoughts however were flying towards Munich, Germany and to a certain man that she hasn't seen for a week since he left for rehabilitation of his shoulder.

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