CHAPTER 16: Silence Means Yes

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“Omedetou!” Amani greeted Kunimitsu as he entered his room.

“Ami, you’ve been waiting for me?” Kunimitsu surprised by the girls greeting.

“Of course. I didn’t have school today remember? Rest day after exams. So, you won against Hyotei right? The game count yesterday was 2-1 with you guys in the lead. You won right? Right?” Amani all smiles.

Kunimitsu was silent, no reply, he just placed his tennis bag on the floor, got his dirtied jersey out, “I’ll just put these in the laundry.” He stepped out of the room without saying another word.

Maybe they lost? Amani asked herself and felt so stupid for even congratulating Kunimitsu without asking him about the game first. She sat herself in her desk and waited patiently for the boy to return. Wow, he sure is taking his time. She thought after a few minutes have passed that Kunimitsu had not returned. He must be mad at how insensitive I am, not asking before assuming like that. She became all bothered, until she heard the door to the other room open. “Hey, are you alright?” she asked.

“Hai, I’ll take a shower first okay? Been a sweaty day.” Kunimitsu replied, grabbed his towel then left for the bathroom.

What’s with him today? Not in the mood maybe? Maybe they did lose. Amani getting really worried. She took out her sketchpad and pen and started scribbling down a few things. A few things meaning Kunimitsu’s face all over the sketch pad. After about a few minutes she hadn’t really counted the door opened and out came a Kunimitsu in his purple pyjamas. “Hi.” She simply greeted, she lost her happy mood after a while.

“Konbanwa.” Kunimitsu replied.

Silence between them.

“We won.” Kunimitsu declared after a few minutes of silence.

“Oh, omedetou gozaimasu.” She greeted less than enthusiastically.

“What happened to your happy mood?” Kunimitsu asked the now pretty much bored girl.

“I don’t know, maybe it got flushed with the bath water.” Amani replied in a bit of an irritated tone.

“Hey, gomennasai for not welcoming your excitement as much.” Kunimitsu tried to woo Amani.

“Yeah, whatever, I just lost my energy to be all happy about it.” Amani replied not taking her eyes off her sketchpad.

“Sweetie.” Kunimitsu called.

No answer.

“Watashi no ai.” Kunimitsu called again.

Still no answer.

“Ami.” Kunimitsu almost pleading.

Cold as ice.

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