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-Your POV-
I woke up to Tessa's alarm, it was 2:45 in the morning. Considering we had to be at the airport for 3:30 she didn't give me a lot of time for my make-up. I put on a white tank top, black skirt, a pair of black rhinestone boots, and a grey knitted sweater. I decided to add a little necklace because it pulled it all together (Outfit Above). I then curled the tips of my hair and made my way downstairs, Tessa following close behind. Tessa passed me as I moved toward the door to grab my carry-on bag to make sure I had everything. I brought it over to the kitchen counter and started to go through it. Jake walked in as I was pulling out my Mac book and he started to talk with Tessa. Tessa laughed a bit and then was about to say something.
"JAKE L-" he brought out a taser and she screamed. Then there was a knock at the door after Lucas, Marcus, and Nick came down the stairs with their bags. Tessa went to go answer the door when Emilio and Ivan also trailed down the stairs. She came back in with Neels, Chad, Tristan, and Logan following behind. Apparently, Neels was sick and he got better so he's gonna join us. I checked my phone, 3:26.
"Guys, we gotta get going if we don't wanna miss our flight." I said, they all started to load bags into cars and somehow I ended up being carried by Jake. It was bridal style and I was covering my face with my hands to attempt to stop myself from blushing or at least hide it from him. He put me down into a car and I opened my eyes to see it was his car. Tessa, Logan, and Chad were in the back smiling like goofs at me. I looked at them smirking, we all then broke into laughter as Jake got into the drivers seat. He started to vlog as we drove to the airport. We played an intense game of Smash or Pass while we were on the road.
"Kay.... Y/N," it was Jake's turn and he was looking at me, "Smash or Pass.... Jake Paul." He looked proud of himself as he turned back to the road. The three weirdos in the back stared at me and Tessa started to vlog.
"HERE!" I squeaked as we pulled up in front of the airport. I jumped out of the car and got luggage carts, the others laughed at my awkwardness while Jake was just, quiet, smiling at nothing in particular. I picked up mine and Jake's bags and put them on a cart before running off. Jake kept up behind me as we ran to the security checkpoints.
While we were waiting for the plane to let us board, we started sorting out who would sit where. We had six first class and six second class tickets, splitting the group in half.
"I'll take second for the way there because I want first on the way back." I said as I grabbed a second class ticket.
"Dibs on second." Jake said as he grabbed the one next to mine.
"I'll take first." Neels said grabbing a ticket. We did this until everyone was sorted out.
"Now boarding flight 638, Hawaii"
Neels, Lucas, Marcus, Nick, Tristan, and Chad, made their way to the first class section while the rest of us headed to second class. I found my seat number and took a seat. Jake sat next to me which was expected, then there was Logan. The seats that were in front of ours could swivel around to face us, Tessa and the Martinez twins were there so they did just that. I had just recently downloaded a bunch of movies onto my laptop from Netflix that I could watch offline so I started to browse through them all.
"Please turn off all your device cell networks, if you have a device that works offline you may use that." The intercom sputtered.
"Whatcha lookin' at?" I felt Jake's presence even before he said that.
"Movies, wanna watch one?"
"Sure, what kind ya got?"
He started to browse with me and we decided on 'Kingsman: The Secret Service' we each used an earbud and I rested my head on his shoulder. He seemed to second that by putting his arm around me and he seemed to relax a bit more as we started to watch the movie.

-Jake's POV-
I put my arm around her slowly, hoping she wouldn't reject it. She didn't thankfully and I sighed. We were about half an hour into the movie when I felt her breathing get slower and I assumed she had fallen asleep. I was going to put her laptop away since I was talking with the others anyway. I went to go take my arm back from around her when she grabbed my hand and held it. 'She always makes me melt inside...' I thought as I put it back to its original position and she kept holding on. I closed the lid of the laptop and tucked it into the bag along with the earbuds. While the rest of the group was talking I leaned my head on Y/N's. I loved the pace of her breathing. I slowly started to drift as sleep took me over. My eyes closed and I felt Y/N intertwine her fingers with mine.

When I Saw Your Vid [Jake Paul x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now