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-Your POV-
I stood on my path, flowers in my hand, my father at my side. Today I was going to become Mrs. Paul. I was nervous, what happened if I tripped? Or worse, sneezed and my dress came off? Nah. I was shook from my thoughts as the doors opened, revealing an aisle, Jake's and I's family members and friends, and him, Jake Paul. We slowly walked down the aisle, I smiled as people smiled back at me. We made it up to the alter and my father kissed my cheek before letting me go. Jake took my hand and led me to the top of the platform. This was so unreal, being here, with him. The officiator started talking but I droned him out, Jake's eyes were all I could focus on, a tear dropped from my eye and he smiled, a tear dropping from his.
"Jake, do you take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have, hold, and cherish, through sickness, and through health, as long as you both shall live?" The officiator asked Jake, he nodded and said,
"I do." As he put the ring from before on my finger, I smiled.
"And do you Y/n, take Jake to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have, hold, and cherish, through sickness, and through health, as long as you both shall live?"
"I do." I said, nodded and putting the ring on Jake's finger, it was exactly like how I did it in Hawaii, the excitement, the nerves, the rush.
"By the power invested in me by wedding courts of America, I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss." Jake looked into my eyes, I looked back into his, we slowly moved closer until our lips connected, the world spun around me and I saw fireworks, I smiled through the kiss as he smiled back. We parted and ran down the aisle, hand in hand.
(At the reception)
We stood on the dance floor, our dance was basically rocking back and forth slowly.
"So. How does it feel to be Mrs. Paul?" Jake asked me as we rocked.
"It's nice,"
"Because now I can kiss you for no reason." I leaned my head on his chest and heard it, his heart beat. I smiled as we continued to rock.
(At the end)
We went outside, our family lined the sidewalk as we walked to the car, off to our honeymoon! I smiled as my sister hugged me. (Soz if you don't have a sister) she was 2 years younger than me and she was a savage. She hugged me tight and giggled,
"Use protection." My jaw dropped as she let me go.
"Wow, okay." I said laughing softly, hugging my mom then my dad, and getting into the car. We held hands the whole time as we drove to the cabin we rented, it was private and in the woods. It was three months so it was a nice vacation with him. I smiled as we got there, he picked me up and carried me inside, taking me to the bedroom and placing me on the bed. He took off his tie and started to undo his shirt.

When I Saw Your Vid [Jake Paul x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now