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[A/N] hey! I know it's not a lot but tysm for 20 reads. Ik it's sad 😂 but tysm for actually reading this! It means so much and now enjoy chapter 7!

-Your POV-
We got home from the carnival and were bored, Logan decided that we were going to drink, we gave Tessa the option considering that she had just recently turned 18 and hadn't drank. She decided to try it and Logan went out to buy some vodka.
***Time Skippppp***
We were all slightly drunk, not wasted. We all knew we had things to do tomorrow so we all went to sleep.
***T.S. 2:17am***
I woke up, still slightly drunk and walked into the other room, I crawled into bed with Jake and he wrapped his arms around me, he pulled me close to him.
"What are you doing?" He whispered in my ear.
"I couldn't sleep." I whispered back before he nestled his chin into my neck and we both fell asleep.
***T.S. 8:33am***
"Bro that's the cutest."
"Oh yeah."
"Jake and Y/N are getting mock married."
I opened my eyes to see all of them, staring at us.
"Come on Y/N we gotta get you guys ready." I got up and showered. I then put on a robe and Tessa started on my hair. Once we were done that, she added a little flower the same color as my dress. I did my own makeup and then put on the dress (Dress Above).
"Okay Tessa I'm done." I said as she came in.
"Oh my god Y/N you look so tumblr." I laughed when she said that. I always tried. "Jake's almost ready, then we're getting you two mock married and then pictures!" She screeched. She then left and came back. "Looks like we're all set!" She said as she handed me a bouquet of off-white roses, the same kind that were used for my flower crown.
We went downstairs and in the back in the garden area there was a little ceremony. This was really cute but nothing was going to happen, it was a mock wedding after all. Tessa took a seat and Jake looked at me and smiled, I blushed and looked down. I started to walk toward him, and Nick, he would be the 'officiator' as you would call it in a real wedding. I gave my flowers to Tessa and held Jake's hands, he looked at me like: This seems more real than fake but you look amazing and I gave him a look back like: ikr and thanks you look amazing too.
"We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Y/N L/N and Jake Paul." Nick said in his accent, "The couple has prepared their own vows."
'No we didn't!'
"Y/N, when I first saw your vid I knew you'd be the one for me. When I was finally able to meet you I was so happy that I found my girl. I've never been this happy before and I hope I never lose this feeling." I was tearing up now, this seemed a little more real than I expected.
"Jake, these last few days have been crazy but, they've also been amazing because of you. We've made a new hand holding technique, cried, and cuddled, I wouldn't give it up for the world. Least to say, is that I love you Jake."
"May we have the rings please?" Nick said catching me off guard, when did they have time to do all this??? Tristan and Chad came over and gave each of us a ring. "Now Jake, do you take Y/N as your Wifey, to cuddle, make videos with, and share your subscribers as long as you both do YouTube?"
"I do." He said as he slid the little ring onto my finger. I felt a something drop on my hand and I looked up at him to see him crying.
"And Y/N do you take Jake, as your Hubby, to cuddle, make videos with, and share your subscribers as long as you both do YouTube?"
"I do."
"By the power invested in me from YouTube, I now pronounce you Hubby and Wifey, you may dab." I looked into Jake's eyes, he looked into mine. We both knew, that since this was a mock marriage we had planned on dabbing. But we just looked into each others eyes until he just went forward and everyone dropped dead silent. All my worry melted away as I fell into the kiss, his soft lips against mine calmed me as it was like they were made just for touching each other. Tessa and Logan started clapping and soon, even passers stopped to clap. We parted and I looked at Jake and hugged him.


When I Saw Your Vid [Jake Paul x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now