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-Your POV-
My eyes were sealed shut as I listen to what was about to go down. I heard the door creak open, and my worst fear, nothing. I did hear Zach walk outside though, than it sounded like struggling, quick breaths and such. Then nothingness again. I heard a thud on the wall I was lying against so I looked out the window, the camp site owner was lying there, motionless, and bloody. I curled into a ball and cried more, imagining that being Jake, and all the others.

-Jake's POV-
They still haven't found Y/N yet, I miss her. Zach's name has been all over the news and I've been keeping watch for him. I haven't slept, I've been interviewed numerous times. Today I was in a police cruiser on the way to identify some things they found that may or may not of been Y/N's. There were three items, a small Polaroid picture of her and I in our wedding attire, a small off white rose necklace, and her wedding ring.
"These are all hers." I said, it was hard for me. I picked up the ring and looked at it closely. I took off my ring and shoved them both into my pocket. The dispatch radio came through a moment later,
"We have a trace I repeat, it's a camp site north west of the holding point." The cops that had brought'n me here told me to come, for support if we found her. I hopped into the cruiser and we made our way toward the campsite.

-Your POV-
"I know your awake Y/N." he paused, "Jake would've done the same thing to you, in a matter of time."
"No he wouldn't, he would never hurt me." I sobbed out.
"Well, he's dead so you don't have to worry about that!" He cheered.
"Your a monster Zach." I sobbed quietly as he came and sat on the foot of my bed.
"Shut the fuck up you piece of shit, your fucking worthless and your so god damn lucky I didn't kill you already." I continued to cry as he started rubbing my leg. "Your only good for one thing." He said bluntly. "If you didn't have such a hot body you would be dead right now." I continued to cry because I knew what was going to happen. He proceeded to move his hand higher up my leg, and under my skirt. I just closed my eyes, and let the tears he left plaster to my face as he told me how worthless I was, and I started to believe him.

-Jake's POV-
The sun was setting and the cops said that was good since they could get him better when he was unaware. We drove until about 11:45 as we pulled into the camp site. The police went to the main cabin and came back after a few minutes,
"Come on kid we're going to cabin one."
"The owner wasn't there so we checked the guest list ourselves, and as for as we know their still here." I nodded and followed them, it was about a 10 minute walk but I really wanted to see Y/N that she was okay. We got to the cabin and saw a man, lying in the shadows, covered in dark shiny liquid. It was blood. One of the cops kicked down the door to a sleeping Zach and Y/N who was crying in the corner. Zach jumped up and held his hands up as Y/N never turned around. I went and sat on the foot of her bed.
"Y/N?" Her head shot to face me, she had a black eye and tuns of bruises. She started to ball as she jumped into my arms.
"I thought he killed you." She sobbed. I continued to hug and then we started walking back to the cruiser, more police came and brought Zach to a jail for the night as they sorted out things. Y/N was a little bit distant from the police but overall she slept against me on the way back to L.A.

When I Saw Your Vid [Jake Paul x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now