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2K GUYS 😱😱😱

-Your POV-
I felt a warm sensation against my cheek, my eyes slowly opened to see Jake looking at me.
"Oh, hi Jake." I said, half asleep.
"Hey." He said before kissing my cheek again. I giggled.
"I'm not a morning person, that's not gonna change sir."
"I don't know what you mean Y/n, it's like noon and we gotta get to the airport." He chuckled. I sat up, almost hitting Jake's face with my elbow. I grabbed my phone and it was 11:30.
"Jake." I groaned, laughing a bit. "Let's go then." He laughed and got up. I went to my suitcase and picked out (outfit below)

 I went to my suitcase and picked out (outfit below)

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And went into the bathroom to get my makeup done. I heard Jake talking so I assumed he was vlogging. I curled the tips of my hair and added a nude coloured lipstick for a nice touch. I couldn't help but here Jake getting louder and louder. I giggled quietly.
"So Jake Paulers, the plan is that I've gotten my friends at Disney to let us use a private balcony on the Cinderella castle for this and it's going to be at dusk so you can see the sun go down over the whole park." I was assuming it was most likely a small meet and greet, nothing to big for YouTube. I finished up and came out of the bathroom. Jake was vlogging so he came up to me.
"Hey, wanna do the boyfriend tag with me?" I asked him, he smiled. All my videos lately were just vlogs. My last challenge video was the smash or pass challenge I did a few months ago. We decided to do it on the plane since we had first class and our seats had a door, seriously. We got to the airport and went through security, taking a seat once we were done. Jake started vlogging again while I scrolled through Twitter, seeing nothing about Jake's meet up at Disney World. I heard the intercom say our plane was boarding so we made our way to the plane.
"So, did you think of questions?" He asked me, I nodded as we made our way onto the plane. The flight attendant smiled at us and she showed us to our seats. We started to set up our equipment, Jake looked like he was having trouble with something.
"Need help?"
"Yeah..." I leaned my head down and he laughed a bit, "Hey Y/n?" I looked up but before I could say "yeah?" He kissed me. I kissed him back as I clicked the part that was stuck into place.

When I Saw Your Vid [Jake Paul x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now