Secret Love

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Chapter One

"Some say graduation comes with happiness in a way of sadness. You're happy, because you're about to have a life of your own and encounter the true meaning of life. Like how people need to attend jobs to earn themselves a living and be prepared to any trials that may come. At the same time, you'll be sad, for you'll be leaving the friends you had along the way, but you're wrong. We can still be with them. Not physically, but they will surely be in our hearts." Every student in the room applauded and some made whistling sounds. And Seth Owens, the speaker, wore a big smile on his face.

Seth Owens lives in Fresno, California. His features might not be the best when you see him around; you might not even give him a second look. He has brown hair, brown eyes, white skin, a little muscular body and a very rich family who happens to own the “SpringHill Suites”, a hotel at Fresno. He may not be the best-looking guy, but some girls say that there is something with his smile that catches their attention.

After his speech, he ran across the stage and walked down the stairs to join the crowd of parents and students. He’s very enthusiastic for this occasion. For he, himself, from the speech that he had delivered, is looking forward to having a life on his own and encountering the true meaning of life.

He wants to start a life by himself and not inherit the hotel that his family owns that is passed to the next generation after another. He thinks that planting the seed by your own is the best way to live a life. By getting ready to start as a seed, he made a lot of plans before graduating college.

He was planning to import cars and sell them to his friends. Since, he loves cars and so do his friends. A lot of ideas have been in his mind for the past years, and now that he is a graduate, he will make sure that his plans will be accomplished. He has saying that “Dreams cannot be just a dream. You must do everything to reach for it.”

Even though the room was full, the decorations are hanging low, and people were accidentally stepping on each other’s foot, Seth saw his best friends Hailey Sutton and Ethan Young.

Hailey has a strong, lively, slightly curly brunette hair, skin white as pearl, bright green and gorgeous eyes and a very fit body. (She seems to have been attending gym for quite some time.) She has been Seth’s best friend since he started going to school. He even remembered her as the cry baby in their class. But now, things have changed because she is a grown up. She is not the same cry baby as before. She is now very firm, yet still sweet, most of the time. And whenever Seth is facing a problem, he’ll know who to turn to. Hailey is the kind of friend who’s always ready to help you with your problems and give you their full support. Hailey loves reading books and researching about the history of the world.

On the other hand, Ethan Young is his new best friend. He has tan skin, a strong body, dark hair and dark brown eyes. They have been classmates ever since the start of Seth's college life. Hailey is the kind of friend that you can trust your secrets with, while Ethan, well let's just say he's not that good. Back then, when Seth didn't know what type of person Ethan was, he told him a big secret that has to do with his past life. After an hour, the whole class knew the secret. At that moment, he was very upset with Ethan, but Ethan immediately apologized and so, Seth forgave him. Now, Seth only tells him small secrets that will not give much trouble in case Ethan spoils it. Ethan loves playing football, partying with friends and collecting cars.

When Hailey and Ethan saw Seth, they waved their hands in the air, signaling for him to come over. Seth pushed his way through the crowd of both parents and students.

While walking towards Hailey and Ethan, he was thinking about the memories back then. Despite the noise, he was able to think a lot of things. It seems like yesterday that he was worrying what course to take, and now he finished college. Likewise, he was thinking what his future will be. Will he be as successful as his mom, or end up like his five year older brother James Owens? A-Must-Know about James Owens is that he hates to work, he sleeps and eats all day long, he watches T.V. like there’s nothing else for him to do, and he is expecting his mom to appoint him to take over their family company. When Seth was young, it was normal for him to worry about the future, even if it's not necessary. For him, that's also one of his problems. Even though he wanted to stop and rest his brain, his brain wouldn’t allow, so all day long he would think about the things that may happen to his life. After a few flashbacks he returned to the present and thought that all of the things in his life happened fleetly. Also, he feels like he can't catch up with the time. Thinking all of this stuff makes him sad because it means that time might come to an end without him noticing it.

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