Time to Dye!

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Aries's POV

Hydra bounced in to the dining hall with Lynx, both of them were holding huge cardboard boxes.

"You guys finished with breakfast and cleaned up?" She asked. We all nodded in response.

"What's in the boxes?" I heard Gem shout.

"Oh nothing, just our plain white camp shirts and tie dye. Our second camp activity is tie dye."

Every guy at my table's eyes darted to Aquarius. The teal-haired boy lit up with excitement and joy.

Hydra handed everyone a shirt and Lynx went behind her handing out the bottles filled with dye and rubber bands.

"Can I just dye it one solid color?" Scorpio questioned.

"Oh come on! That takes the fun out of tie-dye!" Hydra ruffled his hair causing him to cringe.

"Hey Aqua! You wanna tie dye for me?"


"No. Scorpio, you're gonna have to do your own work," Hydra interrupted. "Are we clear?"

"Yes ma'am." He glared at the older woman.

"Thank you."

"How do you even do this?" I asked Aqua, since he did seem like the authority of tie-dying.

"First, you bundle the shirt up. Next you put the rubber bands around it like this." He put the bands to form an 'x' around the bunched up shirt. "Lastly, you can squeeze the dye anyway you like."

I followed his 'bundling the t-shirt' instructions and then reached for the dye.

What color do I want? I know red for sure, that's my favorite color. I looked around at the rest of the guys. Cap's doing purple, green, and blue. Cance is using blue and purple. Virgo is already squeezing the green and yellow dye on the tee. Aqua's going with the rainbow. And Scorp's using blue and black. I'll just use blue, I can leave some white spots, so it seems patriotic in a way.

"Aaaaaand, done!" I smiled at my masterpiece. Tie-dying is really easy and fun, no wonder Aqua likes it so much! I take my Polaroid camera out of my back pocket and snap a few shots of the moment.

"You use a Polaroid?" Scorpio questioned.

"Yeah, but I normally have my Fuji X-T2. I left her in the cabin, so she wouldn't get damaged. I brought her so I could get high-res pics of the scenery here. I just brought my Polaroid so I could get pictures of quick moments and document them."

"You are such a Shutterbug," Scorpio remarked. "But hey, some girls are in to having their pictures taken." He nudged his head towards the girl table, specifically Leo. I did see here taking multiple selfies yesterday.

"As president of the photography club at Honeyville High School, I made an oath to not use photography as a benefit, but respect it as an art."

"That's really....I have no words to describe that."

"Photography is an art, not some sleazy way to pick up girls!"

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