Innocent Eyes Chapter 5

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Okay, this chapter you all will hopefully like and the loose ends of questions you guys have will be answered.


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Annie Pov

I opened my eyes wider and saw Alex leaning in the doorway. He smiled and answered.

"School that bad, huh?"

I made a face.

 "No, just another year of memories."

 Alex rushed to my side and sat beside me on my yellow comforter.

He looked into my eyes and reassuringly said "We'll get through this Annie".

 "It will be alrigh-"

"No it won't!" I interrupted him.

 ".....They're gone.......Forever" I said with tears welling in my eyes.

He suddenly pulled me into a strong hug holding me to his shoulder while my tears slid down my face ruining his shirt.

He put his hand on my head and started stroking my hair. When he finally let go he kissed my forehead and stood from the bed. He went to my bedside dresser and took moms necklace.

He knelt on the bed and I slowly pulled my hair away from my neck. He put the necklace on me and the instant I felt it on my skin again, the burning vanished. I felt relief wash over me as I felt its rightful place. It was like there was an indentation in my collarbone awaiting the key to fit the puzzle pieces.

He stepped away from me and took one last glance before walking towards the door. He turned slightly once past the frame and asked

"Chinese alright tonight?"

I laughed and said "Yeah".

 I wiped the few tears that threatened to spill and yelled "Oh and don't forget the water chestnuts and baby corn this time, I don't want an episode of last weeks' dinner!"

I smirked at the thought. He came home from work with noodles and sushi biscuits. I made a puke face at the thought.

A few hours later after we ate dinner and did the dishes I took a shower. I figured it would loosen my muscles and get rid of the stress.

When I stepped out of the shower it was cold, so I went to my closet and found my rubber ducky sleep shorts and an orange hoodie. I went and sat on my bed, leaning back onto the pillows I remembered my dream.

Mom telling me I had some sort of soul mate......and possible powers? I shook my head laughing.

"What in the world have I been smoking!?" I said aloud.

On my wooden bedside table was a white framed mirror. I hesitantly picked it up and saw my reflection . As I took in my features I thought of earlier this morning.

I walked to the window so that I could see the silent moon and its fluffy midnight clouds. All of a sudden Jason's name popped into my head, and all of his features too. His muscular body with six pack abs.

His amazing looking arms, and most of all his pretty boy face. Dark brown cropped hair, blue eyes and thin pink lips. I began to wonder why I felt a spark at lunch, it felt a lot like getting a electrocuted after you put metal in an outlet.

It was when I was looking at him.....and when I was thinking about him I said to myself. Oh,..... that tiny spark was amazing, it was like nothing I've ever felt before.

It was as if the second I let him in or saw his true beauty we were connected. I felt something run through my palms and fingertips that made me sweat and want more at the same time.

At that second, my whole body went numb. I felt it now, the tingly, twitchy feeling in my hands.

I raised them in the air examining them frontwards and back. I put them together like I was going to pray but had them so they were just barley touching. Out of nowhere sea blue sparks coated my hands and in the middle, a ball of blue sparkles floated!

My eyes bulged out of their sockets and I swear, I could have broken the world record if somebody had been watching. I was very confused and a little scared now. My hands began to tremble and I thought of screaming for Alex.....but what could he possibly do? I'm holding a sparkly ball between my palms that is levitating and fricken rainbow colors are swirling around me!

I shoved my hands out in front of me and it happened so fast. The ball disapeared! I looked around my room, nothing. I ran to the window and saw it just as it happened. It flew straight into the telephone pole.. I stared at it astonished. My window was closed i was sure of it. And yet it flew through it.....the glass wasnt even cracked! When I looked up a transformer exploded, sparks flying everywhere filling the sky like the fourth of july.

"whoops" i mouthed. One by one the street lights and its houses went dark. When ours finally went out i felt a rebound snap. Like when a rubber band snaps back.

I suddenly began to feel very heavy, like you would when a roller coaster is going fast.

My eye lids drooped as my eyes rolled back into my head. Just as the powerful force disappeared and me going unconscious, I remember hitting the floor as the door bell rang.


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