Innocent eyes chapter 29!

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Chapter 29!!!

Ok guys, this might be a big chapter, and there is going to a big mystery coming up too. This book has been fun writing it but it's time to move onto the big stuff were my mind is! Lol ENJOY!!

Kyros POV**

. I walked down the corridor of the mansion to the east wing. The wooden floor boards beneath my feet made little noise as I came to a stop in front of a large white door.

I knocked on the mantel and was immediately greeted with a "Come in!" I took a deep breath, feeling the tension of my decision and shut the door behind me. She span around in her chair flicking a whip against her thigh.

Her Long blonde locks flowing past her neck with a hint of sarcasm exposing her glare.

I cleared my throat as she shifted in the leather chair; crossing her legs. Her dark brows furrowing as she looks at my face, a tint of jelousy hiding behind a mask.

"You've tasted her?"

She asks but meant more for a fact. I look away ashamed. How could I have forgotten to clean up?

"I told you not to play games with that human. She's a waste of your time." She lets out in a dark whisper.

As if her breath could make it as far as it had, it tickles my nose sending a shiver down my spine. "Her future is ending soon, and I don't need you getting attached to 'it'"

She glares at me with black orbs, deteriorating her patience as she starts to click her nails against her oak desk.

 "Wow, wow, wow! I am NOT getting attached to her. I was just thirsty."

I spit back trying to defend myself. A smirk tugs at the corner of her lips.

 "Oh please! I can smell her essence all over you! Being the pig I know you are, you are just the beginning of her suffrage." She laughs.

I scowl looking away. While crossing my arms I sigh heavily.

"I brought here, now what?" Her laughing stops short as all seriousness starts to kick into her system.

She gets up from the chair, pacing back and forth against the large room.

 " Now, you have to find the sequal. ...The matching link." I feel my forehead scrunch up automatically.

"What do you mean?" She looks at me while pacing again "The other sibling. Find the matching twin and you can have what's yours." The sampling amount of a true power to her lips almost wishes I could back out on our deal.

"Fine, but what is it that you want with both?" I ask while turning towards the door to depart. She shakes her head while smiling.

"Now, now. You know I can't tell you that."

Her white smile almost makes her seem innocent, when really the Queen of Alkeltra, such a terrifying land in this demention of the world, can never be. It's inevitable. She has to be planning something big here, why else would she want a pathetic human?

Annie POV 

I felt myself slip away into a deep sleep. Feeling my body become numb as myself conscious mind goes into barrier mode.

Setting up the gates and locking them tight as I drift to a sacred place. My dreams seem to be the only thing that's a secret in this world.


My eyes bolt open feeling the chilling presence of the unknown. All around me I see darkness.

I get up from the ground seeing everything is black but oddly feeling as if I'm not alone. As if my body was a magnet I feel myself being dragged forward by nothing by the forces of gravity.

My feet stumble against the floor as I am flung forward. Closer and closer a body starts to unravel itself from the darkness. Something like a mirror image of me. Dark brown hair covers his face, his bangs shading his right eye with a secret. He appears to be in all white and as we fly towards each other with unmanageable force we collide right into one another.

I gasp feeling our bodies pass through one another. Each and every bone, twisting around the other. His hands grasp my back pulling me into a long hug. Me being shocked I stand there paralyzed.

" I've missed you so much Anica." He whispers in my ear.

He closes his eyes as a single tear rolls down his cheek. As if I knew this person I reach up and wrap my arms around him, hugging him back and feeling something strange. Something that seems familiar, but I have never met this person in my life.

A large beam of light shines upon our hold of one another and I gradually feel my feet leave the ground.


Mystery POV **

Breathing heavily I shoot straight up in my bed. Feeling my body dripping with sweat and my breaths coming in gasps. I shut my eyes tight and then open them again. It was just a dream.

A warm liquid stains my cheek as I clench the sheet in my fist.


It felt like I was right there with her! She looked so beautiful and yet so different. A sudden burst through my door leaves me on edge.

Father mortallin rushes to my side asking "Are you alrgiht?" I loosen my grip on the sheet. "Yes, it's just that, I dreamt of her again. It was like she was right there with me."

He nods his head while understanding my situation. As always he has been an understanding father figure. Though I truly don't know who my parents where, he was the one who found me and raised me as his own.

My name was a gift from the heavens he always said.

"Saint Augustine, We'll find her. Don't worry my son, greatness is coming in your presence."

He always knew what to say to me when I had dreams of my dearest sister. I missed her so much. I feel dead without her. She is the reason for living, living a life without her isn't worth living.

"Thank you father" I say with gratitude.

 He nods while leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. I settle myself back into my cot and look out towards the sky near the window.

Soon Anica, we'll be together and I'll never let you go. My true parents, whoever they were may have had their deal set, but the prophecy is set in stone and I won't let anyone take her from me, not after how long I've searched for her.

**SOO ?? YOU LIKE?? Lol  

I tried to make this one more packed with goodies and mysteries lol still love me?



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