Innocent Eyes Chapter 16

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hey guys, hope you like this chapter, oh and I must say, this song would definatly fit the profile of hilary. XD


Elijia's POV


Ugh! Just when I was getting some sleep, he has to "check in". From the second story of my room I could hear the front door creek open. A gust of wind blew in his sent along with pressence.

Oddly it smelled like a womans' perfume though. I open my eyes a little bit to adjust my sences. The door shuts as I hear the floor boards creek in protest with every unwelcomed movement. I slide my legs over the side of my bed and inhale deeply while closing my eyes. That smell. That is NOT my brothers smell. It smells....human?

Ugh. Who ever......what ever it is, it smells disgusting! My nose crinkles in disgust. I head down the stairs trying to make as little noise as possible. I make it down without a sound; unlike my intruder and see who it is. How the hell did she get here?? I lean on the wall closest to the hall shes in so I can hear her vaguely talking.

I couldn't quite make out what she was saying at firsts because of her squeeling voice; but the last I caught was

"See ya monday, freak!"

 I head around the corner, my dark eyes on her, while crossing my arms.

"Who was that?" I demand.

She whips around, her long blonde hair franticly springing in alert and stutters a "Wwwhhaat?" I keep my eyes on hers, clearly pissed and repeat the same question.

"Who. Was. That?"

She clears her throat and says "No one."

While flashing a half hearted smile she closes the distnace between us and hooks her arms around my neck.

"So are you ready for that study session?" She trails her fingers down my chest stopping just above my belt. I immediatly yank away from her and ask" Why did you follow me?"

"Aw come on, don't be like this. You'll spoil the mood." The mood? What mood? I had no intention of feeling you up, what so ever! She tries to pul herself closer to me again but I push her away.

She stumbles backwards but trys to steady her self with a crystal vase full of roses. I watch from were I'm standing as she falls to the floor; along with the vase and shatters it.

Glass shards going everywhere; cutting her arms. The blood oozing out of her fresh cut sends electric pulsing through me. My hands begin to shake as I loose my grip on my humanity. I close my eyes trying to cool myself down, but I can already feel my body temperature dropping to celsius.

My eyes flooding themselvs with the thirst of blood red, and my teeth slowly increasing themselves to sharp shards of glass. My breathing accelerates as I shake rapidly; forcing myself to not transform. Especially in front of her!

I open my eyes, feeling my self transform because I already know it's too late. The delicate roses; splattered on the floor; my spare blood bottles oozing out of the petals as they sink into the wooden floorboards. I clench my jaw as I see her look up horrifies by her surroundings. Broken glass, blood, and a pissed off vampire.

Not a good thing to be by if I were you. I move fast just when I see her turn around and crawl on her hands and knees, trying to get away. I swiftly reach down and yank her ankle back towards me.

She flips onto her back practically crying when I yell "Why did you come here!"

She sobs to herself going into hysterics when I sigh heavily and whip her up by her shoulders.

I stare deep into her eyes seeing eveything she has ever done, and how she acts to get her way. How she used to steal from her friends. And how she; just last week stole a scarf from FABULOUS ME. It was a designer original from paris, the ones with silk and facy prints on the trims. I sigh in disgust.

I wrap my hands on either side of her head, steadying her as I prepare for the worst. I mean I hate blanking people, but what she has done is going over the line. I don't and will not allow people like her to know where I live. Besides, god knows what she saw of my relics and devices. I concentrate hard on her mind, trying to clear mine and hers at the same time.

Adding slight pressure helps define the brain waves on where they are in her body and how fast they are reacting to my pressence. As planned, she has no idea what I am, who I am, or why she's here. Perfect. I've found that if you use a human quality its easier and well...faster for them to lose the thought of ever being here or acting on this presicion. I smile as I think up a toilet.

But not just any toilet, it has to be fancy (defines their rich like qualities ) for her. I imagine a large white bowl with pink water and lillies surrounded by the lid making it look how she would always find it. I use my mind to take the files from her mind and flush them down the toilet.

I open my eyes seeing deep into her eyes. And as planned her eyes turn to a silver, signaling the transaction has worked, and then they flash back to the normal brown.

With a slight glow on the rims of the pupil making them have a dialated effect. Similar to a cats when its on the prowl. "There, good as new" I sigh. I let go of her head and hold her hand. Who am I? I ask telepathically. "Jason" she announces. Good, good. I send back.

"Where are you?" I ask sternly hoping she dosn't remember a thing.

She looks around frantically, her brows scrunching together in a worried sense.

"I-I dont know." she replys scared. I put a finger to my lips and say "Shh! It's okay, You were on your way home from school, when you got lost and asked for directions."

I reach a hand behind my back thinking up a map, trying to get the exact details right. When I think I've got it I bring my hand back and say

"Here, this route will show you the way home, stay on that path, and dont come back here" She nods, her eyes wide.

 "Now leave" I say angrily while pointing to the door.

She turns abruptly and runs out the door, starting her blue convertable and speeding away off my drive. I close my eyes taking a long heafty breath. I could feel my tansformation ending, as I jerked my head back to desend my fangs.

I turn around and whip a hand back towards the door. It shuts making a clamoring sound chime throughout the 100 year old house. I grab my phone and toss it into the air.

I open it and look at the latest call. Unkown number, notifies itself. Unknown number? I question. I look around while I think and then realize who it must of been. Oh shit.




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