Chapter 32

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Innocent Eyes Chapter 32


**Hello guys! I am happy to be on wattpad again. It has been forever since I have upload because my last chapter has stumped me, but I have written a very good chapter this time and I swear it will only leave you wanting more. <3  






He's really here. He came back for me. But how in the world did he find me? And ...wait, did I hear correctly? They dated?! A low snarl erupts the silence.

I quietly peer around the marble, my sweaty hands gripping the sides of the pillar, slowly creeping their way towards the banister. Sharp misted figures surround their presence in the shadows as they enter the light.

The candle lit flame illuminating their pale skin, brighter than the sun. The room dies in silence as multiple pairs of eyes scan the room.

The walls begin to shake then as the floor beneath my feet rumbles in disturbance.

I too scan the room warily with unease as my back slides against the cool marble. My knees curl up to my chest as parts of the ceiling start to crumble to dust. What the hell is going on!?

Bright lights start to flash in a multitude of colors all around me, the surface beneath me feeling somewhat like Jello as I slump deeper into the floor. No one moved, no one talked.

No one came to my rescue. More bricks and cement fell through to my side until I was completely gone from the outside world.

The bright light grew bigger as I knew I was alone. Alone at last. My eyes began to burn as the flashing lights increased with more intensity.

I shielded myself as time began to burn. The air was silent. The only thing that kept me in my sanity was my short shallow gasps. A gust of wind blew my tangled hair away from my eyes as from behind my shaking hands I felt the sun disappear.

"Anica!" A deep voice explodes, breathless. I look up immediately from my hiding place as if I knew that name.

My jaw drops open as I see who lies before me. The identity thief. He runs to me, throwing himself on me in a strong hug.

"Oh. Anica! I can't believe you're alright!" he chokes back sobs as his chin rests in my shoulder.

Stunned, I can't move. I'm completely speechless. His warm hands placed themselves on either side of my face as he began kissing my cheeks and forehead. What's going on? I feel like I am in a daze. I'm seeing the man from my dreams, but I'm not quite sure who he is.

Feeling my rigid stance he backs a few paces back. Looking deep into my eyes with confusion he asks " You don't remember do you?"

Remember what? I can feel as my brows dig a trench in the pit of the earth as I have no idea what he is talking about.

Sadness seeps through his marbled blue eyes as he can see I have no mental recognition. He purses his lips as a single dark tear runs down his cheek.

 "Who are you?" I manage to mumble incoherently.

Deep into his dark blue eyes I can feel his anguish and loss of hope. But somewhere inside I know I know him from somewhere.

"It's been too long. I'm too late." He sulks. "What's too late?" I ask feeling out of the loop. His eyes flash to mine as if feeling faith drive through his veins.

Innocent EyesWhere stories live. Discover now