Chapter 22 <3<3

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*Hey guys, this chapter you all are going to hopefully love. Jason is back, and with a love so undeniable, he may just be unstopable! <3  

**also my must warn you it may get a little confusing because of the uncovering of lies (names and such) also sorry for it being really long = ) 



Annie POV 


The brush of the dead leaves and sharp thorns on my skin, made me gasp as I felt a warm liquid run down my arms and legs. The moonlight that protected the sky was long gone now, for the misty shadows of the dark replaced its innocence.  

A crackling sound of twigs awakened the scene around me as it drug me through the hollows of the deserted forest. The ride was swift, but longing at the same time. I was moving so fast through the field and the forest that a part of me was longing to see what was going to happen to me.  

More importantly, what in the world was this strange creature that had captured me?  

I drug my nails into the soft soil as an unsuccessful attempt to stop myself. But since it was all too soft with the fresh painted rain; the ground was like a quicksand, burring me alive whether I wanted it to or not.  

My body carved a path in the mud as it swung me backwards like a rag doll. The lighted sky becoming farther and farther away. Suddenly though, I came to a stop and the vines that were once entangled around me loosened their grip and slithered back into the ground.  

I got up and whipped off my clothes. Mud covering the front of my once cute outfit and now only stains that will surly never come out remaining. Great; just great! I thought, this is never going to come out! I whined internally.  

A ruffled sound from the bushes broke my train of off topic thought as I immediately looked at the direction it came from.

"Ross?" I question with hope. No answer. 

I turn around as I hear another sound from behind me. I gasp when I peer into the darkness and find a pair of electric blue eyes staring right at me. 

As if seeing right through  me and seeing what I've done I look away blushed. But really I don't even know who this person is, though those eyes are too familiar; that as much as I wish it wasn't him. I already know it's Jason.

 "What do you want?" I ask coldly.  

Because frankly I don't feel like being nice to him. He wasn't very nice to me when he decided to ditch me to hang out with Hilary!  

"You have to listen to me Annie!" he pleaded.

 " I was not a part of what ever Hilary said to you on the phone. "

I snort and blurt out "Ha, yeah right!"  

"Please listen to me Annie" he says seriously

. I look up at him, not really sure what to do. "I was sleeping when I went home earlier. I DID have an emergency, but..." he stops suddenly. 

"But what? You thought Hilary would be a better time than me?" I ask starting to regret that I ever let him into my life. 

"NO! That's not it at all! Why would you ever think that??" he asks hurt.

Seconds go by that feel like hours. He sighs heavily before saying "I've lied to you for so long, and you have been nothing but truthful, honest and loving with me."  

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