Chapter 36

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Innocent Eyes Chapter 36


Elijia POV

Thunder rolled across the land as the dark cloaked figures marched on.  The closer they came, the more anxious I was for Annie.

 God knows where she is, but for showing affection to her now, would only send me to a torture room. 

Arona wasn't always like the heartless bitch she is now, at one point she was actually kind.....caring. But it seems the day I left her was the day she stopped caring all together. 

But the only reason I left her was because she had fantasized about the ancient prophecy that would give her anything she desired.  Which apparently didn't include me from how she was acting.

God knows how she even found out about the girl, but all I knew at that time was at one point I was in love with my best friend, sharing and going over the country with her.

 And the next?..leaving her behind for  her mind was in a daze of hunger.  Striking against time to find the girl whose eyes don't seem as innocent as they appear to be,  my one and only true love.  Backing away from the shadowed glass I sat on the edge of the bed.

 Her presence nearing as if on q all the while her gaze burning me at the stake.  A smile playing on her lips as she solemnly speaks. "What's wrong Elijia? Miss your girlfriend?"  Her words sending violent growls through my lips, I glared back at her.

  "Hush, hush. Won't be long now." She grinned evilly.  " They'll get here and watch, observe, and report their sightings as for the first time in over 800 years a prophecies conversion. " 

Conversion?  Oh shit, that's right! The whole reason she wanted them both was to have her powers. Shit. Shit! Shit! I have to get her out of here before the council comes. 

If they see her and know that Arona isn't kidding they will take every power from both of them until they are drained.

Sucked dry.  Venom was steaming through my veins as I fumed of her doing.  " Don't worry, I'll make it quick and easy. She won't even know what hit her."

She smiles down at me, but I abruptly stand up, and push her backwards. "Leave her alone." I growl.  If she even touches one hair on her head, I swear to god, I will have no mercy and I WILL kill her!

 She stumbles backwards awkwardly seeing I've caught her off guard and pouts back at me. " Now,  that wasn't nice." She walks a few paces forward but the second she is in reach I slap her across the face.

Her head whips back toward me, clearly pissed off and shoves my chest backwards.

 My back slams into the wall but I quickly flip switch and am in front of her, with her back to the wall. Angrily I grab at her wrists and pin them on either side of her face. "Oh Elijia; I like it when you're rough!" she exclaims.  

I slam her against the wall harder, but at the same time disgusted with her words. I don't want to be with Arona, not like this.  A shaky sigh escapes her lips as her eyes settle upon mine, clearly filled with lust.

 "You wanna hurt me? Have I been a bad girl?" she whispers seductively.  God, no! I mean yes I do, but I don't want her to enjoy it!

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