Chapter 10 = )

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okay so this is probably what you have all been waiting to hear, ha enjoy please comment vote and fann ppl!!!



Annie POV

When we got to the house I was nervous. Though I wanted him to know the truth, I also didn't want him to blab to the populars or think I am crazy. I slowly reached for the handle pleading to myself he would accept my open decision.

I looked into his gorgeous eyes and saw him nod, then take the keys out of the ignition and slide out of the car. Relief washing over me as I realize he actually wants to know, but fear boiling over my heart making my palms sweat.

As I meet him at the front of the hood of the car; I reach for his hand to lead the way. When his hand connects with mine it sends tingles down my spine.

I unlock the front door and set the keys on the counter. They clatter on the marble and send ringing chimes through out the empty house. As we walk past the entry way and head past the kitchen and down the living room, I hear him gasp in amazement.

"Nice house" he exclaims.

I smile at his comment. "It's average".

As we walk past the living room; I stop in my tracks and go over to the tank. I pull out Charlies food from the under bed storage and shake a few flakes out. I look at him confused.

"What's the matter Charlie? You always like being fed right after school".

 I cock my head to the side examining his tank. Cleaned? check. water? check. Food? Check. Hmm.... I turn around finding Jason with his eyebrows up snickering.

"What?" I question innocently.

 "N-n-nothing" he chuckles.

"My rooms this way" I distract by gesturing towards the narrow stair case at the end of the plain hall.

As we walk up the creeky floorboarded steps I notice him looking at the many photgraphs hanging on the wall. Ones of my mom and dad, school pictures of previous years of Alex and I and of course Grammy and Grandpap, Allen and Olivia Johnson.

When we reach the top of the stairs I am anxious to take him to my room. Something about him being here makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I lean on my door frame as he looks over my bookshelf and smiles at my selection. Romeo and Juliet, Julius Ceaser, Hamlet and of course the Twilight Saga.

I had red them all many times but never wanted to get rid of them. Each story told its own life of what someone or something had endured. But I always wondered; would my life ever be a book? Telling about my lifes ups and downs and fortunes.

He turns around and takes a look around the otherside of my room. Observing my collection of nicknacks and snowglobes from around the world. Finally he takes a seat on the end of my bed.

I move in and slump next to him on my comfeter. I cross my legs and face him so that we are face to face. I take a deep breathe and and look up into his smoldering curious eyes.

"Okay, now....I know you are probably going to think I'm crazy but please promise me this, you absolutly will not tell ANYONE about this or for so help me god I will cut off your favorite appendige."

 He makes a weird face, probably deciding if I mean it.


I continue on by saying " Okay, this is a little weird for me to explain because I'm not even sure. My parents died last year in a car accident."

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