Innocent Eyes Chapter 21

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Hey guys you all will like this chapy hopefully! Lots of action packed goodness! = ) wink wink lol.


Annie's POV 


Ugh, his kiss, was amazing. Though it was different than Jason's elecrifying alartness. This one was more... mysterious and longing. Like he's been waiting for me, or something. The softness of his lips, and his cool breath luring me in, was more than inviting for me to jump all over him.

His shaggy messy hair lightly brushing my forehead as he crushed his lips onto mine. Forcing his tongue down my throat, not even bothering with approval, as he forced himself on me. I can't beleive I actually let him do it though. I mean, he is the one who bit me, kidnapped me and put me down here in this shit hole in the first place!

I should be against him. And yet? Sadly, I think I'm falling for him. Apart of me is against the whole idea of this, but the other, more coragous part is cheering me on. Mostly because the whole ordeal with Hilary being with Jason just tipped the ice burge and melted my dreams in hell.

I sigh heavily, weighing the pro's and con's. You know what? I don't need Jason. He practically ditched me after school and then goes to hook up with Hilary. Purposly giving me his number so that I can get the point with Hilarys anoying chirpy voice. Screw him. Screw Hilary. "

SCREW EVERYONE!" I yell into the darkness.

My face starts to feel liquidy now. I reach up astonished to find my face glistening with tears. I'm not usually the one to cry, or be let down over stupid shit, but this I guess just got the best of me. I opened my heart to a total loser and told him my secrets. Secrets I'd never told anyone else! Not even my brother.

I wipe away the few tears on my cheek and curl into a ball. Pulling my knees up to my chest and resting my head on my knees. Trying to cool myself down, but unsuccuessfully doing so. All of a sudden, out of no were, I feel strong arms around my wrists. The locks are unlatched with a 'click' and am being picked up bridal style.

I look up confused to see Ross staring down at me. "Time to go" He says roughly.

"Why?" I ask dumbly.

No answer, he just keeps staring straight ahead. I stare up at him not bothering to fight his grasp as he tightens his grip around my shoulders and legs. His cold touch sending shivers down my spine, but quickly hide it.

Esepcially since it's the least of my problems right now. I conentrate hard on his mind, focusing all of my energy on his. A few blockades appear in my way but like an encripted computer, I know the code and break through like a professional hacker.

*Of all times, why does Elijia have to show up? Just when I have found what I've been looking for in over 500 years, he has to appear and be attatched with it! He disgusts me.*

 I hear him snarl in his mind, but shows no emotion throught out his face.

WHAT?? Who the hell is Elijia?? And why does he think that he's attatched to me? Because right now I do beleive I'm the key to Ross's problems. That's all he mumbles about is me.

When he thought I couldnt hear him when he left, I totally did.

"I can't beleive I found her. I mean I... I thought it would take longer than that. She has to be it... She has to"

Thats all he mumbled about earlier. I decide to let the new information go for the time being. No use asking about it, it will only let him know more about my powers.

While crossing my arms over my chest I stare up at him. Looking over his features, and trying to get him to look at me. Thats the best way to get someone to tell you something. Just stare at them long and hard. Act like your concentrating hard on something.

Innocent EyesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora