Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Ross' POV

Laura and I were sitting at a table at Frozen Swirls, a frozen yogurt place, laughing and talking about random stuff.

"So... You know graduation is coming up," Laura says, eating some of her strawberry/banana yogurt.

"Yup. Finally we get to leave that prison we call school." I chuckled.

"You know you need to go to college too, and that's still school."

I shake my head. "Nope. I have a music career to fall back on. Me and my siblings-"

"My siblings and I." Laura corrects me, smiling.

"My siblings and I," I continue. "Are gonna start a band with a family friend of ours. It's gonna be called R5."


"Yeah, 'cause all our names start with the letter R. Me, Riker, Rocky, Rydel, and Ratliff."

"What about your little brother, Ryland?"

"He's gonna be our manager."

Laura grabs her bowl and throws it in the trash. "A seventeen-year-old as a manager? That doesn't sound good."

"He's actually really good with music," I do the same with my bowl and smile at her. "And if our career goes in the toilet because of him, he goes in the toilet."

Laura laughed and grabbed her purse off the chair. "You know, we've never done anything like this before."

"Like what?"

"I mean, hanging out together, not insulting each other, stuff like that."

"And don't forget the sex-"

"No, I didn't forget." A blush crept on Laura's face, me smirking at her.

I started think if I should tell her about how I feel about her. I've been keeping my secret with me for the longest because mostly, I'm just a little afraid of falling in love and getting rejected. That's why I've never been in a serious relationship before.

"What ya thinking 'bout?" Laura asked curiously, taking me out of my thoughts.


'Just tell her and stop being a pussy!' My conscience yelled at me. 'I know! I got this.' I told myself.

I'm fucking going insane now.

"Ross, are you okay there?" Laura asks and, once again, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Wh-Why wouldn't I be?" I stuttered, my throat going dry as I spoke.

"It doesn't look like it," Laura takes my hand and starts to drag me back outside. "C'mon let's get you back to my place. I'll drive."

Laura gets in the driver's side and I get in the passenger seat. Laura, still holding on to my hand, starts up the engine and pulls out the parking lot.

I don't know why, but I started to get lightheaded and dizzy. When I looked outside, it seemed like everything was going too fast. I knew something was wrong once everything started getting darker and darker until I blacked out.

Laura's POV

I looked over to Ross and he was passed out. Probably tired or something. We pulled up in my driveway and my mom or dad's car wasn't there.

"Ross we're here," I looked over to Ross and he was still passed out. "Ross, c'mon wake up."

He didn't wake up, and I started to panic a little. I put my head on his chest to see if he was still breathing. His breathing started to get faster and faster.

"Shit." I murmured, pulling out of the driveway and driving towards St. Vincent hospital.

I got out the car and wrapped Ross's arm around my neck and dragged him into the hospital.

"I need help! He fainted or something and isn't waking up!" I yelled, desperately looking for some assistance.

One of the receptionists called up some doctors and nurses and put him on a gurney, rolling him into a room. I started walking with them until a nurse stopped me.

"Sorry, you aren't allowed in there yet. A doctor will be with you soon with his result." She said before walking back into the room.

I took a chair in the waiting room and sat there wondering, what happened?

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