Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Laura's POV

I couldn't believe what I saw. I thought Ross was better than that. I can't believe he went back to Sofia! I can't believe him...

Ross looked over to the door and saw me. A tear escaped my eye and I mouthed 'how could you' to him. Sofia turned her head to see why Ross was looking over towards me. I ran down the hallway and into the elevator and pressed on the first floor. I sat in the corner and hugged my knees and sobbed.


The doors finally opened again and I hurried out the elevator and the hospital doors so I wouldn't be noticed, only to see my car being towed away. I ran to the tow truck and knocked on the door window.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I yelled loud enough for him to hear me.

He rolled down his window, "Are you the owner of this vehicle?"

I nodded. He handed me a slip of paper, "You parked in the red zone, Miss. It's $450.00 to get it out of the impound."

"What?! I don't have $450.00!" I cried.

"I'm sorry, Miss, but there's nothing I could do." He says before taking off.

This is just fucking great.

I sat on the curb and pulled out my phone and called up Brittany.

Brittany finally picked up, "Hey, Laur."

"How'd you know it was me?"

"I have caller ID...?"

I sigh, "Right. So um, can you pick me up from... Uh, the hospital?"

"The hospital? What happened?"

"Um.." I could feel tears prick at my eyes until they started falling. "C-Can you just get me? I'll t-tell you later."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

I pocketed my phone and sat there on the curb, waiting for Brittany to get me. I started to feel my warm tears roll down my cheeks. I wiped them away but I couldn't stop the other tears from flowing and before I knew it, I started sobbing. A lot.

When I saw Ross kiss Sofia, I felt a part of me die. I still can't believe Ross did that, I mean, I wouldn't expect for him to run back to Sofia.

I thought he was better than that.

"Hey Laura," I heard Sofia laugh behind me. I turned around and looked at her.

"What do you want, bitch?" I scoffed.

She smirked, lighting a cigarette and smoking it, "I see you saw me kiss your little blonde lover-boy, eh?"

I didn't respond.

"Figures why you're crying," She dropped her cigarette and smirked, "Not surprised he went back to me."

"H-He doesn't love you, though..." How could I be so sure? He could still love her.

"Are you sure about that, honey? Because he asked me to be his girlfriend."

I could feel her smiling behind me. I couldn't control my anger anymore, so I stood up and slapped her, hard.

"One, you need to shut the hell up. Two, stay away from me before I beat your sorry ass to a pulp. Then we'll see who'll be crying then," I snapped my head to Brittany's honking. "Stay, away, from, me."

I walked over to the two-door Honda Civic and got in the passenger's side. "Drive."

Brittany's POV

We pulled up at my house and I stopped the car. We both got out the car and we walked to my bedroom, me closing and locking the door.

"Okay one, what's wrong and two, why did you slap Sofia even though that was totally cool!" I laughed.

She smiled, "Oh, don't even get me started. But..." She paused, "It's a long story."

I plopped down I'm my blue bean-bag, "I got time."

"Okay, well..."

Half an hour later...

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry Laur."

By now Laura was sobbing in tears. I hugged her and she cried on my shoulder.

"Why? Why did he go back to Sofia?" Laura cried. I rubbed her back and pulled away.

"Hey, if Ross left you, he must be outta his mind. You know why?"

She sniffled, "Why?"

"Because you're the most amazing girl I know, Laura. It's his lost because he doesn't know what he's missing."

Laura smiled and hugged me again, "Thanks, Brittany."

"And you know what? He doesn't really love Sofia, I know it."

"You don't know that. He probably moved on by now..."

"No that's not true," I stated. "I've seen the way he looks at you. He loves you Laur," I sat back down in my bean-bag chair, "He just hasn't realized what he's lost yet."



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