Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Laura's POV

It felt like centuries in the hospital, awaiting the news on Ross. I tried going on my phone and playing Flappy Bird, but that only made me more frustrated to where I wanted to throw my phone on the ground.

"Ross Lynch." A nurse called out, me lifting up my head and looking at her. "Follow me, please."

I stand up and follow behind her to the room Ross was in. I looked through the little window and saw Ross asleep, or at least I thought he was, in bed.

"The doctor will be with you shortly." She informs me before walking away.

I walked into the room and sat in a chair next to his bed. I stared at his lifeless body, examined every inch of his face, and realized how perfect he is, surprisingly.

"I don't know if you can here me," I spoke. "But I just wanted to tell you that-"

I was interrupted by a knock at the door. It was the doctor, I believe. She walked in the room and flashed me a smile.

And for a second I thought she was my sister, Vanessa.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Marano and you must be?" She says.

"Uh, Laura - a friend of his," I examined her face closely, and gasped. "Vanessa?"

She turned to me and smiled. "Yeah, how'd you know my name?"

"Oh my God, it's me, Laura!" I laughed. She covered her mouth and laughed.

"Oh my, I didn't even recognize you!" Vanessa pulled me into a bear hug. "How are you?"

(Oh I forgot to tell you, it's about two months later in the story and Vanessa has been away at college, that's why they don't recognize each other at first)

"I'm great, and I could see that college has done you good, eh?" I giggled.

"You know it. So, about Ross here..." Vanessa walked over to the computer and started typing. "Looks like he just fainted, we haven't fount the reason why yet, but we're guessing that there was something he was panicking about."

"Oh, what a relief." I sat back down in my chair and breathed. I'm glad he's gonna be okay. I looked up to see Vanessa smiling at me.

"You like him don't you?"

"Wha- no! I don't like him..."

Ross' POV

Where was I? I don't even know. All I knew was that I was lying down and I could hear everything around me. I tried moving my arms but I couldn't, like I was paralyzed all over my body.

"Looks like he just fainted, we haven't fount the reason why yet but, we're guessing that there was something he was panicking about." Someone, I'm guessing a doctor, said.

"Oh, what a relief." Someone else said. It was Laura. There was a brief silence before the doctor spoke up again.

"You like him don't you?"

"Wha- no! I don't like him..."

Did Laura just say she doesn't like me? I should've known. Why would she like me?

She hates me...

And I hate her too.

"Can I talk to you outside, please?" The doctor asked Laura. I heard the door open and close as they walked out the room.

Now the question is... How am I gonna wake up?

Laura's POV

"I know you like him, Laura. It's so obvious." Vanessa blurts out, me shushing her.

"Vanessa! I don't know, I mean..." I sighed. "Maybe... I do like him-"

"Then you need to tell him! Guys will never know how you feel if you just keep your feelings to yourself. Maybe he likes you back."

Before I got a chance to reply, she started walking down the hallway and out of my sight. I looked down at my feet and fumbled with my fingers. 'I do like him.'

I walked back into the room and saw Ross awake, trying to reach the remote. I smiled at him.

"Looks like you're up," I giggled. "Need some help?"

He send me a death glare and spoke, "No, I most certainly do not, need your help."

I looked at him questionably, wanting an answer from him. He ignored me and I sat in the chair next to him.

"Ross, what's wrong? You're acting different." I asked, concern in my tone of voice.

"You know what's wrong? You. You're the reason why I'm acting different," Ross spat, closing his eyes. "You changed me."

"How? What did I do?"

There was a period of silence before he spoke up again.

"Get out."


"I said get out!"

A tear fell from my eye. I got up and walked to the door, me looking back at Ross before exiting the room.



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