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I yawned, opening my eyes slowly. I was about to get up, but was I was automatically pulled back down. Tord loudly snored, cuddling into my chest. I blushed, I couldn't say I wasn't enjoying this, but if Edd found us, he'd get the wrong idea. Especially since most of us were drunk as hell last night.

I heard Edd yell from down stairs that breakfast was ready. Oh shit- heard footsteps slowly come up the stairs. Luckily, Jala stood there, in the door way smiling like an idiot. She eyebrow wiggled at me, and I flailed a bit, desperately trying to get of of this situation.

"Oh, sorry was I interrupting something?~"

My face turned red, "N-no!!! "

She laughed, "Okay, but breakfast is ready. I'll just tell Edd Tord and you are -"

"No,no,no,no,no,no no! Just tell him...I'm um.... Sleeping? And ummmmmm I'm not hungry?"

She raised an eyebrow, "How does that-"

" Shush, just go with it. "

She shrugged, "Okay, have fun!" She closed the door , waking down stairs. My question was how was sweet, innocent Matt dating a sinner  like her? Not to offend her or anything, she's a great friend, but I'm worried the tol  bean's innocence isn't going to last much longer.

After about 30 minutes of Tord snoring, and nuzzling into my side, he stirred.

He lazily yawned, barely opening his eyes (which, in my opinion, was adorable), " ...Mhmm. Morning, (N/N)... "

I smiled, messing up his hair more than it already was, " Morning, sleepy head ! "

He let go of my waist, stretching. I was free! I rolled off the bed, and ran down stairs for food.


Edd looked at me, "Uhhhh, Matt ate all cola pancakes..."

I fell to my knees dramatically, "Nooooooooooooooo! Not my pancakes!"

Tord walked down stairs, still rubbing his eyes.

"Hm? Min dronning, what's wrong?"

I sat on the floor, pouting with my arms crossed, " Pretty boy ate all my pancakes! " I shall plot my revenge later. Muahahahahahahahaha!

Tord laughed a bit, scooping me up into his arms, "Well, how about we go out for some ice cream, yes?"

My eyes lit up, "YES!" I pecked his cheek, which earned a small blush on his face.

"Hey, how about you bring Jala and Matt along?" Edd asked.

" Nahhhh, I think they're having fun in the attic. "

Next thing I knew I heard Jala start telling Matt how to  organize his room better , which probably meant she was cleaning it for the 3rd time this week.

Tord smiled, " Well, Edd, where's your boyfriend? "

Edd's  face turned a bright red, putting Tord's hoodie to shame.

"Well, uh, he got sick. I was making him some soup....."

"Awww!!!! That's adorable, Edd! I ship it so much!!!!" I squealed.

"Welp, we might as well get going," Tord said, carrying me out the door . He seemed to really like holding me. It pretty much made me feel smaller than I already was.

"Tord, you know I can walk, right?"

He gave me a smirk, "Why,yes, but someone as beautiful as you does not deserve to walk in the footsteps of peasants!"

I snorted, "Oh my god- Wow, smooth."

He laughed too, "Yeah, I know, right?"

We made it to the ice-cream shop and Tord finally put me down. I was a little disappointed, though. I was actually pretty comfortable up there, plus he was warm. We walked up to the counter, and I looked at all the flavors.

I decided to get (F/F ) and I looked up at Tord, "Which one do you want?"

" I'll probably just get some mint chocolate chip. "

I nodded, and we both ordered. I was about to pay, before Tord pushed my hand aside. He placed the correct amount of money  on the counter. I frowned, "I was going to pay, y'know?"

He shook his head, "No, I insist! "

God damn it , he knew so hate it when people bought me things. In middle school, he had insisted to buy me a plush at a carnival thing our  school had thrown. I turned him down, saying I didn't like it when people had paid for me. In the end, he ended up getting me food and 3 plushes.

We sat down with our ice-creams, eating them. For him being gone for 8 years, he didn't have much to say. It was almost if he didn't want to talk about his experience in Norway, but his family did after all originally live there.

"So, how was everything while I was gone?"

" Well, if I'm being honest, we had some pretty crazy adventures. "

He seemed to show interest, "Oh really? Wow. The things I miss while I'm gone!"

I laughed a bit, "Yeah, we've done everything from killing penguins pretending to be Tom to being abducted by aliens who had low self-esteem."

" Pfft-"

Tord had gotten some ice-cream on his nose.

I giggled a bit, "Hey, Tordie?"

" Hmm? "

"You have a little bit of something right there." I pointed at his nose.

" Really? Where? "

I leaned forward over the table, lightly kissing his nose.


He blushed, as well as me. Some people 'aww'ed  while others yelled at us to get a room. Tord glared at the ones who yelled, and pulled me into a deep kiss. I was pretty sure my face was redder than a cherry smoothie right now, as I kissed him back. In the end, we got kicked out for too much PDA. I'm sure we scared about over 80% of the kids in the shop. Oh,well, they'll get over it!

Tord carried me back home, only for us to be greeted by a huge mess.

"Oh god, what did they do now?"

Highschool Sweethearts? {Tord X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now