Chapter 16: What's so important about them?

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"Look, don't freak out.... But I'm the Red Leader -"

" What?! " I threw my hands in the air, as Pat jumped a bit.

"Min dronning, please, just listen."

I deeply inhaled, "Fine.... Explain yourself.."

"When I left in highschool, my father had to come to work here," he used hand motions while speaking, "He ended up becoming the leader.... and,well, he and my mother were assassinated. Therefore, I took the burden of leader." I turned to the soldiers beside him, putting his hand on their shoulders , "And these two became my father figures." Paul rolled his eyes a bit, and Pat smiled lightly.

"That doesn't explain everything your army has done..."

Tord frowned a bit, "Min dronning, I did those things for our own good. The world out there is infected, and we're going to fix it! Plus, such a lovely person like you shouldn't be near all those infected." Tord's tone changed,startling  me a bit.

Pat looked at Tord."That's enough," he said quietly.

Paul looked me up and down, "So this is the great (Y/N)? He sure did talk about you non-stop -"

" pAUL! " Tord screeched, quickly throwing his hands up in the air.

I snorted, "Oh~ He did now?"

" pFFFT-" Tord started making weird embarrassed noises as soldiers started scurrying away. Why were they running? Are they afraid he's going to do something?

After Tord calmed down, he spoke up, "Tonight we shall announce to the army of your arrival! I'm sure they'll all be stunned of you."

Anxiety shot through me, "W-what?"

" Tonight, there is a gathering! All of my soldiers will now know of your presence as my significant other. I'm sure they'll approve. "

"They have to," Paul muttered quietly, and Tord elbowed him.

" Tord, you know I don't like public speaking.... "

"Don't worry, min dronning! You just have to stand by my side, that's all."

I nodded, "Okay then...."

"Paul, Pat, would you be so kind and bring them to their dressing room? I have some important business to attend to."

They both nodded, and started walking to a tall building. I followed inbetween them as soldiers gave me weird looks.

"Who's that?"

" Why are they heading up to the leader's building?! "

"What's so important about them?"

" They look weak, why the hell are they here? "

I heard some whisper.Paul and Pat glared at them as we entered the elevator. Soon enough we arrived in a huge room, that looked very similar to a living room. We stepped in.

"Well, here you are. Leader had it specially made for the two of you, so it would give it a nice home-y feel." Pat said, smiling a bit.

I nodded, "I can tell he did the decorating."

I looked around the room, that was mostly red. There were some pictures hung up on the walls, one of which was a picture of us at prom. I laughed a bit as I saw Tord fabulously posing in his high-heels with me in his arms posing as well.

"The dressing room is down the right hall, to your left." Paul said, basically emotionless. I gave them a thumbs up, and they left.

I walked into the dressing room, and there were some clothes on a bench, away from the entrance to where the clothes were held.

Scribbled on a note on top of the clothes was Tord's messing handwriting:

Hello, min dronning! I have an outfit picked out for you that I'd love for you to wear. Please put it on and push the (F/C) button by the elevator to contact Pat and tell him you're ready. See you soon!

- Red Leader ❤

I crumbled up the letter, throwing it into a trash can beside the bench. I picked up the clothes. It was basically much like Tord's uniform he wore, that was a bit different than other soldier's. I guess he just wanted me to fit in with the crowd. I shrugged, and put it on.

Time to go to a meeting where I will be engulfed in anxiety the whole time!

Highschool Sweethearts? {Tord X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now