Chapter 12: Adorable Messes.

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"Oh god, what did they do now?"

The living room was filled with cookie batter and feathers that seemed to come from the couch pillows. I heard faint giggling, so I signaled Tord to let me down. He hesitated a bit, before sitting me down. I slowly walked into the kitchen, only to see Zeke and Edd on the floor, giggling while they were covered with cookie batter. Tord walked up behind me, taking a picture for what he called 'Eight Years Worth of Blackmail.' Zeke noticed us and his blush intensified, he frantically looked over at Edd. Edd raised an eyebrow before slowly turning his head over to see us.

"Caught you! And why the hell is the living room covered in feathers?"

Edd shrugged, "While you were in your date with Tord,Matt and Jala had a pillow fight, Jala got Matt in the face, so now she's over at the mall getting him a new mirror to make up for it. Plus, she said she needed more band merch."

I laughed completely ignoring the face he had said 'date', "Okay..... I don't even want to ask what happened here."

I took a closer look at the two. Both of them were wearing matching aprons (which where rainbow that I got from a Pride Festival. Totally worth 50 bucks.) , I had to admit they looked adorable together, lying on the batter covered kitchen. And now to think of it, I don't think I've threatened Zeke about hurting my brother's feelings, but I don't think such a sensitive bean like himself could ever bring himself to do so. Although, I had to had it to him, he could handle his whiskey.

Edd's face turned pink, "Well... Um... We were about to make cookies, but then this happened," he used hand motions pointing around the kitchen, " Also did I mention I can't cook? "

I snorted a bit, these guys where hopeless without me. The only thing Edd could make was breakfast.

"Well, I see you all have fun without us! Where's Tom?"

I heard Tord scoff a bit, poor bab was probably jelly.


" Let me guess, you couldn't find him after last night. "


I sighed, grabbing the car keys, "I'll go find him-"

I was cut off by Tord, "No,no,no,no! I'm sure Tom can handle himself, he is an adult after all."

I raised an eyebrow, setting the keys back in their hook slowly, "Okay then..... Maybe we should clean up, you know, since the entire flat is basically covered in batter and feathers."

"Yeah, but Zeke and I need to take a shower first."

" Indeed! " I helped them both up, and they raced up stairs together. I smiled, I was happy for my brother. He had confessed to me that he actually was planning on marrying the boy, however he didn't know how he could afford the rings. I told him I'd gladly help him pay, but he had to promise me that they'd do the do when no one was around or when we couldn't hear them. Pretty smart deal in my opinion, I'd rather not hear that when I'm trying to sleep at night, yaoui was enough for me.

Tord looked around, "I'd looks like everyone is still dating who they did in highschool."

" Yeah, even Tom. "

"Who is Tom dating?"

" Susan, obviously! "

We both burst out laughing, as Jala and Matt walked through the door. Jala was holding many Hot Topic bags, which probably contained a lot of Crown The Empire and Pierce The Veil merch, maybe with Sleeping With Sirens somewhere in between the two. Matt held a brand new mirror, looking at himself and then putting it to Jala's face.

"See! You're as pretty as me! Maybe even better!"

I looked at the two, crossing my arms, " So, would you like to explain the feathers? "

Jala glanced at Matt, "Oh shit, they know! Make a run for it!"

Matt and her raced up stairs, screaming like little kids. My god, my friends were idiots, but I loved them all. Tord put  his arm around my waist.

"Do you know what time it is?"

" .....No, what time is it? "


He picked me up, leaving kisses on all on my face.

I giggled, "Tord! Stop ittttt!!!!"

I tried to deny the fact that I loved every soft kiss he put on my face, and even more as he held me.

He smiled a bit, "Or what? What are you going to do about it,huh?"

I smiled brightly, booping his nose, " BOOP MOTHERFUCKER! "

He laughed," (N/N), that is not an answer. "

"It is to me!" I booped his nose once more.

" Well, that's not going to stop me!~"


He looked at me, "It isn't rape if you like it ~"

I blushed, "TORD! OH MY LORD!"

" I CAN HEAR YOU! " I heard Edd screech. He could get protective at times, but we all knew he'd never try to hurt his dear friends and family.

We burst out into another laughing fit. I swear this was the most fun I had in years, OTHER than the time Tom and I forced Zeke and Matt to go to a strip club. I will never forget their horrified faces as a girl tried to give them a lap dance. Zeke blushed, trying to politely push her off, since he was gay, while Matt screamed at the top of his lungs flailing his arms.

Tord brought me back to our bed room and sat me down on the bed.

"So, Tord, have you watched Kill la Kill?"


"No, why do you ask?"

" I have a feeling you'll love it. " I smirked, putting it on the bedroom's telly. Tord and I watched the whole show , cuddled up against each other's side all night long.


After the last episode ended, I yawned, looking down at (Y/N). They looked adorable while they slept cuddled up at my side. I turned off the television with the remote, and tried to get more comfortable. I moved slowly, trying not to awake my sweet kitten. After I was able to get my arms around her waist, and pull her closer, I kissed her forehead.

"I love you, min dronning~"

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