Chapter 1

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*Scorpia's P.O.V*

I was saying goodbye to mother and father and father was giving us the same speech he had been giving us all summer. "...If you get placed in Gryffindor, we will disown you, if you get placed in Ravenclaw you will get a beating, if you are put in Hufflepuff we don't even know you. Now all your friends must be pure-blood or else you'll get a beating, other than if you befriend Severus' younger sister, Scorpia. I hear she's a half-blood but if she's anything like Severus she's acceptable. Oh and stay away from blood traitors especially Weasley's, you know I hate Arthur. Last of all I want you to get the best grades in your year. Now go along before the train leaves and don't forget to write to us and tell us your friends names to make sure they're pure-blood".

Draco and I only rolled our eyes. We could recite that speech of by heart. The wind was blowing in Kings Cross station. Family's were crying and saying their goodbyes while friends met up after a long summer.

Finally I was escaping the manor. Sure the manor was nice but my mother and father were always busy and the only people around were Draco and the house elves. I'm not actually allowed to play with the house elves. I only ever really talked to Dobby. He was always getting in trouble with father and I would help him get better after my father punished him. I would never be able to free him as father has told the house elves that I do not count as their mistress because one time I feed a house elf and he got angry. Then Draco was well Draco, we only really played wizard chess from time, so this left me to my last choice in hobby-reading. I read a lot now because of it. Unfortunately my house only really has books about the dark arts in it. I will admit after reading so much stuff about it, I've taken quite an interest in it. Father had told me that the books at Hogwarts about the dark arts are in a part of the library called "the restricted section". So I brought many of my books from home. Father doesn't mind, he's actually quite happy with me taking an interest more so than Draco who just knows a few things father told him.

The whistle of the train started to blow and I grab my trunk and my pet snakes cage and hurry on to the train. Father was also happy I wanted a snake. This snake isn't very dangerous which is probably the only reason allowed him after father sent the letter. Draco followed behind as father shouted "Listen to what I said in that speech or you know I'll be angry". I shivered at the thought. Father was scary when he was angry.

"I heard the Slytherins sit at the back" Draco told me.

"Yeah but I was hoping to find the sister of Severus" I lied. I just wanted to make friends from other houses in case I was sorted somewhere else.       Because if I was I'd need somewhere to stay over the summer.

I found a compartment with two girls in it. One was taller by a few inches than the other. The taller one had straight black hair and brown eyes so dark they looked black. She reminded me so much of Severus. It must his sister. The smaller one had brown hair and green eyes.

"Can I sit here?" I asked, being polite.

"Of course" The black haired one (I'd call her Snape but that's be weird with everyone calling Severus, professor Snape at Hogwarts) said. "I'm Rebekah Snape". she introduced herself. I was relieved to hear her name, it was bugging me that I forgot.

"Scorpia Malfoy" I smiled at her and we looked at the shorter one.

"I'm Chloe Lovegood" she said. I smiled and entered the compartment. I put my trunk up and went to open my snake's cage when I remembered they might not like snakes.

"Sorry do you mind if I let out my pet snake or you afraid of them because I don't mind waiting until we arrive at the castle" I told them.

"I'm not afraid of them are you Rebekah?" Chloe asked her.

"No go ahead" Rebekah said. I let my snake out of his cage.

"Did you name him or her yet" Chloe asked.

"Yeah my father called it Salazar after Salazar Slytherin, as you may of heard my family is obsessed with Slytherin, but I'm not too fussed with any of the houses to tell you the truth I only got a snake because my an animagus is a snake" I admitted. I knew I could trust both of them and that we would be good friends.

"Cool you're an animagus?" Rebekah asked. I nodded. "I'm a metamorhagaeus but I've still not quite mastered it so I can only change what I look like when I feel a strong emotion".

We nodded and kept making small talk and just as the train the station with a jolt our trunks fell to the ground. Some of my dark arts books spilt over the floor and I couldn't help but notice that  Rebekah had some dark arts books as well. I blushed that everyone saw the books as I didn't like people thinking I'm evil.

"I know this sounds evil but I've been wanting to read that dark arts book for ages, what's it like?" Chloe asked, pointing to my copy of The history of the dark arts: twentieth and twenty-first century. We all talked about the dark arts for a while until a bushy haired brunette came asking if we had seen a toad and after we shook our heads she told us we should get changed.

"Bossy much" I said as she left and the other girls giggled. We decided to get changed into our robes so we all did and by then we had arrived at Hogwarts. The castle was just as beautiful as father and mother had told me especially as it was a clear night. We all got off the train and started walking with the crowd out of the train.

"Firs' years, firs' years" a big man called out to us. Wow he was tall. We had left our trunks on the train to be brought up. We went over to the man and got in the boats like he instructed. It really was a beautiful sight especially with stars twinkling on the look, making a reflection of Hogwarts in the water.

The trip there was fun and we eventually arrived at the castle. We were waiting outside in the entrance hall, when I saw my brother tormenting a tall ginger boy. I'm guessing a Weasley.

"Disobeying father's rules already, Draco?" I asked. He turned around to face me. He was pretty pissed that I had ruined his tormenting.

"What do you mean?" he asked confused.

"Father said stay away from the Weasley's  not torment them, now leave the poor boy alone and his friend two or else..." I told him.

"Or else what" he sneered. I raised an eyebrow and he immediately gulped and pursed his lips. There is only three people in the world Draco is scared of, father, the dark lord and me. I'm very proud of myself for that. It's mainly because I know a lot of dark arts and father won't give out to me as long as I don't kill him.

I walked over to the Weasley and his friend. I noticed the scar and recognized him as Harry Potter, but I kept my cool.

"Sorry about my twin, he doesn't have any manners, don't listen to him" I told them and started to walk away but called back over my shoulder "I'd tell you my name but Father said to stay away from Wesley's and I'm a daddy's girl". I quickly walked back to Chloe and Rebekah who were still grinning from me threatening Draco.

McGonagall came in and told us to follow her so we did follow her. We went onto the stage where they had placed a hat and three-legged stool. I looked at Chloe and Rebekah on either side of me and couldn't help but grin. This was the start of a beautiful friendship.

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