Chapter 16

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*Scorpia's P.O.V*

We had a plan. We were sick of the extra hours. We knew that part we couldn't help but we can help get rid of him. We just have to be sly, like the Slytherin I am.

I knew Fred was disappointed in me when I told him I was a Death Eater. That's why I'm going to tell him first.

I am in the my room. No one else is in, they've all gone to dinner.

I got dressed into my ripped denim blue shorts, a green Slytherin T-shirt that says 'you'd think our first language would be parseltongue but no, its sarcasm', a pair of green converse and a blue jacket. I got the T-shirt idea from when I seen Luna with her Ravenclaw one. Yes I design most of my t-shirts but I get father to have them made. Do you really think there are so many T-shirts with sarcasm on them?

I went down to visit Gigi before I go. Turns out that she's pregnant (we thought she was just getting fat) with Silverwing's baby hippogriff. We made a deal that Rebekah gets it because Chloe has Cole and I'm always with Gigi.

I quickly ran back into the castle after seeing she was okay and ran down the corridors.

I went up to Dumbeldore's office and asked to use the fireplace to get to Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

He agreed and I got a pile of floo powder.

"Diagonal alley" I said and stepped into the flames, as they tickled my skin.

I arrived out an old fireplace and I quickly dusted myself off.

I ran out of the shop the fireplace had been in and down the street until I reached the giant building of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

I pushed the door open and walked in. It was empty because it was closed. I went up to the office and looked at the sight in front of me.

I just stood there shocked for a few minutes. I would have thought it were George had he not been wearing the exact same clothes he had been wearing at the hospital wing earlier.

"Fred! What the hell is going on here!" I exclaimed. They both turned to look at me. That's right. THEY. Who else could the girl be? Oh why don't we try ANGELINA JOHNSON!

"Scorpia, I don't care. Just run back to your little leprechaun and get out of my way" he sneered. I felt tears in my eyes. I never cried. NEVER. But Fred had called me by my full name for once.

"Fine then. Fred Weasley we are over!" I hissed and left the shop. Just as I was about to leave someone grabbed my arm.

When I turned around, I almost punched the person. Then I realised it was George.

"Come on" he said. He pulled my arm and took me up stairs. He made me a hot chocolate and gave it to me.

I sipped the hot chocolate and we waited for the other one to break the awkward silence.

"I'm sorry about my douchbag of a brother" George sighed. I felt tears come up in my eyes and he pulled me into a hug.

"Its alright, not like you can control him. Thanks for this. Rebekah and Chloe are of no help to me when I'm sad. Rebekah always tries to make you laugh which works but the issue always comes up later in my mind. Chloe has zero sympathy and will give you a simple 'I'll kick his ass' and then expects you to get over it" I said and he laughed.

"I'm not going to say its going to be fine or any of that crap but I know you'll be better soon" he told me. I nodded my head and put on a fake smile.

"Thanks George" I told him again.

"Your welcome Scorpy" he smiled.

I don't know why I did the next thing. Maybe because he called me Scorpy. Maybe its because him and Fred are identical. Its definitely not because I like him. I don't even know who started it. All I knew was that we were kissing but Fred was the only thing on my mind. Not once did I even think about Chloe. Until now.


Is it too short? Sorry just have a bit of writers block. Tomorrows pancake Tuesday!! I love pancakes!!! Just a quick dramatic moment. WHY LIAM, WHY!!! YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME!! THEN WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME FOR THAT SLUT!!! For all you people out there thinking some jerk named Liam broke my heart, Liam is not real. He is a guy from a story I read on wattpad. We were in love then he chose to like the slut and it broke my heart. That is why I mentioned how sympathetic Chloe and Rebekah are in real life. Thanks for reading!!!!!

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