Chapter 22

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*Scorpia's P.O.V*

I got on the Hogwarts express with Chloe, Beccy and Draco. Everyone looked at us, scared.

I decided even if everyone was terrified of me, I would still make this year fun.

I can't get expelled because of Sevy being headmaster and all so we can pretty much do anything.

Chloe and Rebekah are quite annoyed that some of the Gryffindors won't talk to them. I don't care, I never talk to any other houses other than Slytherins, Rebekah and Chloe.

The Slytherins? They look at us like we're legends, even Rebekah and Chloe.

We didn't even bother saying goodbye to our parents.

Chloe looked longingly at her family but when they turned to us, Luna did something I never thought she could do, she cried. Luna, that little freaky happy person who always sees the glass full, CRIED.

Chloe looked away quickly. That's one thing about Chloe. She doesn't cry. No matter how hard the pain us, emotionally or physically, she never cries. The last time I seen her cry was when she was five and I only know that because of was in a picture. But come on, it was her mum's funeral!

We quickly got on the train and went towards the compartment we always get.

We opened the door and seen a few second years sitting on the seats. They quickly scrambled away as soon as they saw us.

We put our trunks up and sat down. Beccy sat next to Draco and Chloe sat next to me.

"We have to go to the prefect's carriage" Beccy told us. We nodded. They left and I looked out the window.

"Do you think Lupin knows?" I ask Chloe.

"I think Dumbledore would have told someone just in case. He needs someone who will actually believe us and they will only believe it coming from him. He probably had to tell someone before he died or we would almost instantly be killed. I mean you have already received one threatening note" she explained. I nodded.

"Do you reckon anyone will believe us?" I asked.

"I don't know but I reckon you should meet up with Fred and find out what George was saying. If anyone will believe us, its them" she told me. I nodded knowing it was the truth.

"Do you think Beccy would mind if I steal Sphere quickly. You know Fred doesn't like Cole" I said. I still remember one time we were in the owlery and I was using Cole to send a letter. George had brought a few treats for Errol but turns out Ron had already sent him. George went to throw them at Cole but his aim was bad and it landed in Fred's hair. Chile almost attacked him.

"Go ahead and steal him, I always do" she shrugged. I grabbed some parchment and a quill and began to write.

Dear Fred,

George tells me you found something 'interesting'. We can meet up whenever you want. I'm allowed to leave whenever because of Snape being headmaster. Can you also ask Lupin if we can meet him in Hogsmeade. Please reply soon.

                             yours sincerely,


I scribbled Fred's name on the front and attached it to Sphere's leg. He flew of through the window.

Rebekah came bursting through the compartment door.

"Where's Draco?" I asked.

"He's in the Slytherin's compartments but guess what! Draco and I have to share a room!" she seethed, not giving us a chance to answer the first question.

"Your over exaggerating! Come on we need to get changed" Chloe told her. We weren't bothering with uniforms this year because they're really itchy and annoying and we don't have to.

We changed into the same ripped black skinny jeans, blank tank top, black converse, black 'nerd' glasses and black beanies on our heads.

Our appearances have kind of changed.

Chloe now has a rose wrapped around a sword with the petal part dripping blood all up her right arm. Her blue dye is now all through her hair like highlights (her hairs not actually blue) and she was wearing a checkered blue top over the tank top with the sleeves rolled up. She had even gotten a black piercing in her eyebrow. She was showing her dark mark but there was no point in hiding it any more.

The Rebekah had used her metamorphaugaus powers to have red highlights throughout her hair. She had refused to get a tattoo because she's just innocent like that. She has a checkered red top with the sleeves rolled up as well.

Then I have a snake that reminds me if my animagus going all the way up my right arm. I now have light green highlights through my hair and I'm wearing a checkered green top with the sleeves rolled up.

The train soon stopped and we got in the carriages. We soon arrived at the familiar castle of Hogwarts.

We laughed and joked around with each other and planned pranks for this year.

We were going to be fun again this year.

Too bad no one is going to laugh at it other than us though.


I know its late. Read my book 'Guns, gangs and badasses'! Thanks for reading. One question though. His do mermaids pee?

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