Chapter 17

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*Chloe's P.O.V*

I was sitting in the Gryffindor common room after having dinner. I was finishing some Arithmancy homework that I had forgotten about, with Rebekah next to me doing her Charms homework.

She was scribbling so quick I'm surprised the parchment didn't break. I had tried to see if she had needed some help but she had screamed in my face. She was really excited about finishing it for some reason.

"No more homework, no more homework" she said doing a weird little happy dance, as she lay down her quill.

"Shut up" I grumbled. She was giving me a headache and I was angry I still wasn't finished with my homework.

"Your just angry because after that prank you pulled on the Ravenclaws you forgot about the homework. All over them calling your sister weird" Beccy sighed, shaking her head.

" Hey, I will never let my schooling interfere with my education and you know that" I huffed. Sometimes my friends were so mean.

We heard a knocking at the other side of the portrait hole.

"Who do you think it is?" I asked. Not many people would come to another house's common room and all he Gryffindors knew the password.

"Probably Neville, forgetting the password again" Rebekah sighed again. She got up and opened the door.

Standing outside was Scorpia. Her face was pale and her eyes were red and puffy, making it look like she had been crying.

"Come in and have a seat. What's wrong?" Beccy asked, worriedly. She was her best friend and Rebekah hated watching people crying.

She sat down on the couch behind us and cried into her hands. That was weird, Scorp never cried.

"Fred. I caught him cheating on me with Angelina when I went to tell him in on the plan" she sobbed.

"What did he say when you caught him?" Beccy asked. She looked angry and sympathetic at the same time. She was a really good friend.

"He said he didn't care and something about running back to a leprechaun" she cried. What? That made no sense. Rebekah gave her a hug.

"I think I loved him" she muttered. Beccy looked at me in alarm. Scorp wasn't one to get along with everyone easily, especially love someone. It was hard to earn Scorp's trust and it was very easy to break it. She doesn't forgive anyone unless all their actions had a damn good explanation and proof.

"It's alright Scorp. He's just a big jerk, forget all about him and maybe we can send a killing curse his way" Beccy joked. But for once she didn't laugh. She knew Beccy was joking but she didn't laugh. Beccy could usually cheer her up.

"I'll kick his ass for you, don't worry" I told her. I wasn't scared to kick his ass. I was strong. Scorp shook her head.

"Chloe there's something else" Scorp muttered, not daring to look my way.

"What?" I asked curiously. What else had he said? I was so beating him up for this.

"Well after I caught them, I went to leave but George stopped me before I could. He brought me to the apartment and got me a hot chocolate and told me how much of a douche his brother was. Then we kinda kissed. But I swear I don't like him, I thinks its because he called me Scorpy, maybe because he's identical to George, I don't even know who started it, all I know is I couldn't stop thinking of Fred the hole time. After we both said it was a mistake and I ran out" she quickly muttered. She shivered as I gave her a murderous glare.

"Get out" I hissed through my teeth. She started to cry again.

"Scorp, I know your sad and all now but I'll talk to you in the morning. I think its best if you just get out of here before things get out of hand" Beccy told her, calmly. She nodded and left through the portrait hole.

I ignored Beccy's stare and stalked up to my room.


I walked down to the great hall the next morning. I sat at the Gryffindor table by my self.

Then I saw a figure behind me. I turned to see Scorpia (yes I will call her by her full name from now on) standing behind me.

"Please Chloe, just listen to me" she pleaded. I ignored her and grabbed a piece of toast before storming out of the great hall.

She didn't seem to take this as a hint and came out after me. We were in a crowded corridor now and I was trying to ignore her.

Finally I got sick and turned around suddenly, causing her to bump into me.

"What?" I hissed. She was really annoying me now.

"I'm so sorry, I don't even like him. It was a mistake" she told me.

"I don't even want to hear it" I told her with venom lacing my voice. I did feel bad to talk to someone so close to me like this but she had betrayed my trust and betraying my trust was much worse than betraying hers.

"But-" she started. That's when I got really annoyed. I stepped forward ready to hit her, when someone came up from the crowd.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Draco asked. He was SO overprotective. He came in between us so I couldn't touch Scorpia.

So I punched him. That's right. I was very satisfied to hear a crack. Then I moved up to Scorpia. I squeezed down on the pressure point on her shoulder and she blacked out.

I seen her drop and started to walk away, glaring at anyone who stared at me. What I didn't get was why Scorpia didn't protect herself. She knew exactly what I was about to do and she knew how to protect herself. Then why did she just stand back and let me do that?

I know you all probably think I'm really mean but as I said my trust is a big thing. Scorp's is too but the difference between me and her is that I'll make the person pay for what they did. Damn it, I called her Scorp again. In all truth I already missed her.

But she would have to get on her hands and knees if she wanted me to forgive her. George I could care less about. I was going to break up with him anyway. He knew I was cheating on him. I knew he was cheating on me. We were only using each other to make someone else jealous and it had worked for me.

Even if I was going to break up with George, for all Scorpia knew I was in love with him and that hurt that she'd do something like that when she thought I actually liked him.


Another update! Longer this time. That screaming in Chloe's face was true except it was MY face. Rebekah was angry because we were trying to finish of our homework before we had to go back to our rooms when school ended (yes we go to a boarding school) and she screamed in my face. Fun! And also it says that I never cry there which is s complete lie because I cry if a story is even slightly sad. Thanks for reading!

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