Chapter 25

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*Chloe's P.O.V*

I was sitting in the common room with Rebekah beside me. She was still allowed in here and she came when Draco got too annoying for her to handle.

We were just sitting at the fire when we heard someone having an argument with the Fat Lady.

We went up and opened the portrait hole. Scorpia rushed through with tears streaming down her face. A sense of deja vu came to me.

"What did Fred do?" I asked, with anger in my voice. I was going to chop off his balls this time and force him to eat them.

"He proposed!" she exclaimed. Beccy and I looked at her in surprise.

"What did you say?" Rebekah asked.

"Yes" she answered and started crying again.

"Then why are you crying?" I asked. This was so confusing.

"Because it was selfish of me. What I'd father finds out and kills Fred? What if Draco uses an unforgivable curse on? I'll die without him! I'd rather die than him die! If he dies, I die!" she exclaimed. She was hyperventilating (a/n I spelt that without having to use spell check, impressive right?) now.

"Calm down, neither of us will let that happed. Just don't let your father see the ring" we told her. She nodded and started calming down.

"Now be happy! You're getting married! This is big! You have found someone who loves you and you love him back! You do love him back right?" Beccy asked.

"Of course! I love him more than anything or anyone!" Scorp exclaimed. We faked hurt.

"You told me I was 'the one', Scorp. You liar!" I screamed, covering my hands and pretending to sob. Scorp just shook her head at me.

* * * * * *

We had officially arrived at Malfoy Manor. Christmas was tomorrow.

We had met up with Lupin beforehand and he had told us that Dumbledore had told him about us before he died. Beccy, Scorp and I had made really good friends with him and Tonks. Especially Beccy because she'd been helping Tanks with the pregnancy.

We were greeted by Ellie Lestrange. She let us inside and went back to her room at the manor. She was SO antisocial.

We went down to Scorpia's room and put our bags in the room.

"There's no room for the camp bed in this room so one of you have to sleep in Draco's room or the hall where people will most likely walk over you" Scorp told us. I was the first to react.

"Not me!" I exclaimed so loud that I heard Ellie scream "Shut up!"

"Not me!" Rebekah exclaimed a little two late. "This isn't fair, I practically already live with the guy!"

"Get over it and take your bags into his room" Scorp told her.

"Sweetie, come downstairs for the meeting!" Narcissa called up the stairs.

We all ran down the stairs and sat down next to each other at the dining table.

" Okay, to start this meeting off we're going to go through the list off prisoners and I have people assigned to check their blood background, to see if we must send them to the ministry or not" the Dark Lord told us. "Scorpia, pass me the parchment with the names there in front of you."

Scorp reached out and grabbed the parchment She handed it over to the Dark Lord but he grabbed her hand before she could get it away.

"Now what's this, Miss Malfoy. An engagement ring?" he asked. Scorp gulped. Lucius stood up from his seat, anger taking over his face.

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