Chapter 14

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*Rebekah's P.O.V*

It is almost Christmas. We had another Hogsmeade visit today. I was still Ron's girlfriend but I just don't know if either of us like each other that way. I think we're both using each other to make another jealous. At least I hope he is because I'm using him for that.

I got up and got ready. We were all meeting up with Fred and George (Chloe and George are officially dating, which Scorp gets excited about because well you know twins). We were going to ask them how they snuck in love potions so we could use it for poison.

I was wearing a light pink T-shirt with a rose and 'flower power' on it. I had some light blue denim jeans and a red Hollister with red converse. I put my hair up in a high ponytail and used my metamorphageus powers to turn it a purple shade at the tips (I do that when I feel like it because I've learned to control it better).

I walked down to the great hall and down to the Gryffindor table.

I sat down next to Ron, who was sitting next to beaver and scar face. Yes I still call them that. I'm still angry at Harry for being mean about Sevy.

Which reminds me, today is Sevy's birthday. I had sent him a special present because it was the only gift he'd ever accept from me because he didn't have the heart to get rid of them.

Chloe sat on side of me and Scorp sat across from me.

"OH MY GODRIC!" Scorp exclaimed. Everyone in the great hall looked at her.

"SEVYS SMILING!" she pointed to Sevy. Then she covered her mouth, realising what she called him. She only called him that behind his back, only I was allowed to call him that to his face. The great hall started laughing.

That caused Sevy to stop smiling at the bunch of lilies in front of him. P.s for you idiots that was his birthday present from me.

"What did you just call me Miss Malfoy" he scowled.

"Snape?" but it came out as more as a question.

"Fifeteen points from Gryffindor" he said.

"What!?" Scar face exclaimed. Scorp and the other Slytherins started snickering.

"You heard me, Potter" Sevy said.

"But she's a Slytherin!" he exclaimed.

"And you're a Gryffindor, what's your point Potter" Sevy smirked. The Slytherins were in tears by now, including Scorp.

"She said it, why are you taking points of us?!" he exclaimed.

"Because it's Miss Snape's fault she called me that" he said, simply. I smiled innocently.

Harry huffed and went back to eating his breakfast. Everyone calmed down from their laughter but some Slytherins were still snickering.

"What are you doing today, Beccy? Ron asked me.

"I'm meeting up with Fred and George in Hogsmeade" I told him. He nodded and agreed to going somewhere with Harry.

"Should we get going?" I asked Scorp and Chloe. They nodded and we went to the entrance hall. Chloe had been angry at us for a while after what happened to Katie Belle. Only because Katie was replaced by Dean Thomas, her annoying ex, and Harry said Chloe had to fill him in on all the practice's they'd had so far. He actually shouted at Chloe because she let Ginny do them instead so now she has to help Dean or she's off the quidditch team.

She eventually started talking to us again. She seemed really angry and started shouting about why Harry couldn't have just let Seamus Finnigan on instead because he was just as good as Dean Thomas. She was a very short tempered person.

We walked down the hill to Hogsmeade and we all met up with Fred and George outside the three broomsticks.

We all got a butterbeer and sat down at a booth in the corner.

"Scorpy tell me what is really going on right now" Fred demanded. Scorp looked surprised.

"What?" she asked, confused.

"I was thinking" George gave him a look, "WE were thinking, your dads a Death Eater. So was Bellatrix and all those people. You-know-who broke them out of azkaban so why wouldn't he do that for your dad. We know you know this so tell why you're always tired. And Rebekah and Chloe as well. And don't lie to me."

"Okay, you know back when I was staying in the apartment with you and the first time I went out with Child and Rebekah?" she asked them. They nodded. We looked at her, narrowing our eyes.

"Scorpia Bellatrix Malfoy!" I exclaimed.

"What are you telling them?" Chloe asked.

"I'm telling them the truth!" Scorpia told us, stubbornly. We sighed and nodded.

So she told them. Everything. Us being Death Eaters, at the Ministry of Magic, our mission and even about Katie Belle.

Now Fred and George Weasley, the Hogwarts pranksters, voted most likely to never grow up in their year, are the only people who are not Death Eaters we have told we are Death Eaters.


You like? Is it short? Tell me who do you prefer James Potter or Severus Snape? Thanks for reading!

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