Chapter 13

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*Scorpia's P.O.V*

It was the 23rd of October. It was finally time for me to meet with Fred and tell him a bunch of lies.

A lot has changed. I had been staying up until all hours. There are dark bags under my eyes now and all in all, I looked like a piece of crap. A hot mess.

I had been sneaking into the room of requirements more than anyone else because I didn't want them doing to much work. I was the oldest and I feel the need to look after them.

Chloe was meeting up with George and I expected they were going on a date today.

Rebekah had a new boyfriend since Gryffindor beat Slytherin in the first match. None other than Ron Weasley, himself. Not only was I annoyed by this but so was the beaver (Hermione Granger) and scar face (Harry Potter). Hermione I expect because she SO obviously likes Ron (its actually quite annoying). I think Harry isn't happy about it because of the shouting match with Beccy. That or he has to see all three of us more often now because Beccy sits next to Ron breakfast, lunch and dinner. Surprisingly that's the only time I have ever seen them together other than meals.

I got up from my comfy bed that kept calling me to come back. I had a shower and dried my hair. I left my hair normally wavy and put on a pink T-shirt with 'What the Hell' written in black letters, some black skinny jeans, a pink Hollister and pink high-tops.

I still had the black bags but it was the best I could do at looking alive.

I walked down the stairs, into the common room and through the portrait to the great hall.

I couldn't deal with scar face and beaver today so I sat next to Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise.

Draco pulled me aside after taking one look at me.

"You need to get more sleep. Make us three do more work, just get more sleep" he told me, in a hushed voice.

"I'll be damned if I let any of you three murder someone. I will do this with as little help from you, Beccy and Chloe because I am not letting any of you have the title of murderer. So stay out of my way or else" I hissed into his ear, lifting him by his collar. He gulped. He was still scared of me to this day.

I let him go and went back to my seat. I grabbed some toast and pumpkin juice. As soon as I was done I got up to leave.

"Don't forget the plan" I hissed in Draco's ear. He nodded.

I walked up to the entrance hall and seen Chloe and Rebekah.

"Hey" I smiled. They waved. "Rebekah, I thought you were going to Hogsmeade with Ron?" I asked.

"No, I think I'll just go shopping with Rachel. I'll be there in time for the plan" She said, referring to Rachel Browne (A/N just mentioning the full name in case you forgot it) our friend.

"OK, see you later, have a good time with George" I winked at Chloe. She rolled our eyes and got checked off the list by Filch. She left without one word. Okay then.

I got checked off the list and waved goodbye to Beccy and walked outside.

I walked over to the three broomsticks and seen Fred sitting at a table with two butterbeers in front of him.

I took and a seat across from him, smile and gave him a kiss.

"You look terrible!" he exclaimed.

"Nice to see you too" I said, sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.

"What's got you so tired?" he asked. He was serious. Fred Weasley was not supposed to be a serious person. It did not suit him.

"Just... worrying" I lied, well not exactly but he thinks I'm worrying about my father.

"Scorpy, you need to stop this. He'll be fine" he tried to assure me. I scoffed. No one is 'fine' in azkaban.

"Okay, how have you been?" I asked. The rest of the conversation was quite boring. Just a normal conversation that would bore you losers but any conversation with Fred is a great conversation to me.

I looked at the time. Crap, I have to meet up with Draco, Chloe and Beccy in two minutes!

"I have to meet up with Chloe and Beccy" I said, giving him a quick kiss and a goodbye.

I ran to the alley behind the three broomsticks to find everyone else was already there.

Draco had the package, which was carefully placed in his hands. Beccy was standing with her wand out while Chloe was petting the ground.

"What are you doing, Chloe?" I sighed, shaking my head.

"I'm appreciating the ground" she said, dreamily.

"What?" I asked. She's insane. Its official.

"Well I was just thinking, what would we do if there was no ground below us? We'd die, that's what. Then I thought how mean people are to the ground. I mean people fall on it, they stamp on it and they walk all over it, literally. So I thought I'd show it that SOMEONE appreciates it" she said. What goes on in her mind? I sighed, again.

"Let's get going. Draco, hand us the package and you can leave" I told him. He gently placed it in my arms. Then he walked out and of back to the castle.

"Come on" I said to Chloe and Rebekah and they followed. Rebekah giggled.

"What's so funny?" I asked. She was looking at a note, that I hadn't noticed before.

"Someone threw this note in front of you and I picked it up and read it" she giggled again.

"What does it say?" I asked. She handed me the note.

'Hey SCORPY, I know what you are. I've noticed you sneaking around. Lying to Fred's not helping anything. Enjoy life while it lasts, nothing ends well for your kind.


"What's so funny about it?" I asked. This was sick. Who ever sent this is sick. They think they can make me feel bad. His dare they.

"It reminded me of this saying 'enjoy life, there's plenty of time to be dead'" she said. I cracked a smile at this.

"Come on, let's go" I said. We ran back inside the three broomsticks. We entered the girls bathroom. It was empty except for Katie Belle.

Rebekah sent the package through the air while Chloe used the Imperius curse on her. I watched for anyone coming.

When Katie was holding the package, we walked out of the three broomsticks.

We were walking up to the castle when we heard a strange noise behind us.

We looked around to see Katie in the air with a weird pile of wind around her. Her friend screamed.

"Get a teacher!" Chloe yelled. Katie fell to the ground again. Hopefully she was just unconscious. Please don't be dead, I begged.

Hagrid came and picked her up while her friend explained what had happened to Harry and the weirdos. Ha, I like that name.

Katie was rushed up to the castle. I couldn't help but think what would happen if I had a diary. Today's entry would be:

Dear diary,

I think I killed Katie Belle today. Don't tell anyone. Oh and someone also threatened my life. Yay!



Hello, fellow Potter heads. I would like to ask you all a question. Who is better in your mind, James Potter or Severus Snape? I will not tell you who I prefer and influence you with my awsomeness. This is just a fight me, Rebekah and Chloe always have so tell me the answer!! My side would win if my sister side with Unknown. I'm not going to say which one is on my side and who is on the other until you tell me so... yay! Update! Again! Thanks!

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